Chapter 6- First kiss? Confession..?

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Major Update - January 22,  2022
(Most things have kinda change so if you want to reread you can)


Everyone ran farther in the cave to see what made such horrendous noise, when they finally saw it they were all in awe.

"Is that a dog?" Jin ling asked, speaking of dogs, Jin ling turned back to look for Sizhui.

"Nono you idiot it's a cat" Jingyi replied

"It's a cat and a dog mixed..?" Zizhen said with confusion.

"Lan Zhan do you have an idea of what it can be?"

"No idea"

So this was great, the 'monster' was a cat+dog mix which apparently was very very cute despite the horror stories.


Silence filled the cave, everyone was still confused of what it could be, obliviously with the looks of it—cat and dog mix but it was small, which was a problem because it looked very harmless so it was confusing on how it made such a loud noise out of such a small body. Was this a bait? Was there another beast deeper in the cave somewhere hiding?

"I see, it must be a magical creature then" Wei Wuxian said breaking the silence that was making it awkward.

As everyone was thinking the creature started growing. "Um why is it-"ah!" The creature jumped out of Sizhui's hands and grew bigger and bigger.
So calling it small was probably an insult to the creature.

And apparently an understatement cause this shit was huge and it kept growing....what the hell, this was not a normal beast!

"Sizhui be careful!" Jin ling pulled Sizhui by his wrists so he wouldn't be squashed by the creature.

"Thank you" he replied as he calmed down—he almost died.

Jin ling smiled as a reply.

"Now is not a good time for flirting" Jingyi said with a giggle as Zizhen rolled his eyes and shushed him.

"We aren't" they both synced, then looked at each other and then looked away. Well that was embarrassing.

"Move back everyone" Wei Wuxian shouted drawing everyone's attention.

"Lan Zhan, this is a beast, we have to kill it!" Forget the 'won't have to kill', that was when they thought it was a magical creature but this one looked like it had killer instincts.

Lan Wangi nodded and took out his seven stringed Quqin and started playing a melody that threw waves of attacks aimed at the beast, but nothing happened.

"What just happened?" Jingyi asked looking at everyone as they stepped back—they were all shocked, the beast right here was not an ordinary creature at all because none of Lan Wangji's guqin attacks hit him.

Jin ling drew his bow and arrow from his carrier and aimed it at the beast, yelling for everyone to get aside before releasing the arrow... The creature remained same save for the fact that it was now chasing Jin ling.

Everyone could see the thing running towards Jin ling, but no one was closer than Sizhui.
Sizhui yelled, "MOVE AWAY!" as he shoved Jin ling out of the way, his arm being clawed over by the creature's sharp claws.

Everyone rushed over to Sizhui, attempting to move him out of the way to safety.

After Sizhui was safe in the corner Wei Wuxian took out his chenqing and began playing a melody that made everyone shudder. "Everyone attack the beast at the same time," he said, and everyone began attacking it. After 2 minutes of attacking, the beast appeared to be exhausted, and it began to shrink.

LAST TIME I CHECKED I WAS STRAIGHT!!! Zhuling ffWhere stories live. Discover now