Chapter 7- Drunk again? Or not?

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Warnings  ⚠️  - Sexual Content. For the sake of this story Jin Ling is 17 and Lan Sizhui is 18.

Major Update - Editing- January 22, 2022
(Not worth rereading tho)


In the cave, it was awkward and too silent; you could hear the racing heartbeat of the two young guys who had just had their first kiss, and now they were simply intensely staring at each other until one of them had the guts to start talking.

".I don't know what to say..."

Sizhui could only say that while blushing uncontrollably.

"I'm not blaming you Sizhui, it's my uncle—he made you drink it and he made this all happen!"


"Are you disgusted?" Jin ling asked because Sizhui seemed uncomfortable.

"What? No way, I liked it way too much"

Jin ling smiled at him, "wow, that's great to know."


Sizhui sprang up and began walking. He wasn't uncomfortable, he was just embarrassed .


Sizhui abruptly turned back to face Jin ling, as if they weren't going to communicate for a while.

"Do you like me back...?"

Sizhui looked at Jin ling with a surprised face.

"But you didn't tell me you liked me"

Jin ling looked at Sizhui with a blank face, "Sizhui, was the kissing not enough to tell you that I like you"

"Oh, well yeah...I'm sorry this is just new to me—"

"I'm in the same boat, my first friend, my first kiss,"

They both stared at each other again before Jin ling continued speaking.

"Okay fine, I'll say it again—I like you Sizhui and no, it's not a friendly kind of's that kind of please tell me...."

Sizhui liked him too—well before the kiss he was off about it but after it all made sense, even if he still doesn't believe in love at first sight, he just doesn't know how to say it or show it.

"I...also..." Sizhui was cut off.

"Finally we found you guys" Zizhen and Jingyi started walking towards them.

"Why are you guys here? What about the creature?" Jin ling asked.

"Oh that..the seniors took care of it and we finished breaking the huge rocks that were blocking the way for the water so we figured to just catch up with you two" Zizhen replied.

"Sizhui how's your injury ?"Jingyi asked concerned.

"It's alright and it's stopped hurting, so I'm fine," Sizhui responded, smiling as usual, but he was sad that he couldn't say what he wanted to say, and he believes that bringing up the subject again would be awkward and uncomfortable.

Jin ling couldn't help but notice that Sizhui was about to say something very important when those two jerks barged in. Talk about timing.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji also ended up catching up to the juniors and said, "Here you kids are."

"Shall we go out and back and celebrate our mission's completion?" Wei Wuxian wanted to make one individual in particular intoxicated, as well as possibly another.  Lan Wangji stood there, as he always did, with a stony expression, backing his loved one's every wild plan.

LAST TIME I CHECKED I WAS STRAIGHT!!! Zhuling ffWhere stories live. Discover now