Chapter 5- Did he forget?

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Updated - January 16, 2022
Small editing (not worth rereading)


Morning came, and the first to wake up was Lan Wangji, he then proceeded to wake up his sweet Wei Ying.

"Let me sleep some more." Wuxian replied with a morning voice.

"Wei Ying, get up"

"Lan Zhan pleaseeee" he whined in protest.

"Hmph" Wei Wuxian turned his back to face the wall and ignored his partner.

"Wei Ying..."
"Ughhh fine I'm awakee" Wei Wuxian got up with a grumpy expression yet still went to give Wangji a kiss on his cheek. Morning habits. "Lan Zhan, are the kids awake?" He asked, because for him he's usually the last to wake up.

"Don't know"
"Ok then let's go wake them up"
"Wait Wei Ying, freshen up first" Wangji reminded.
"Mmm okk"


Sizhui woke up all sweaty and shocked because of what he had just dreamed about.

Holy freaking shit—what kind of things did he just dream about—how and why did he— no, how could he even dream about doing such inappropriate things.. and with a guy....with Jin ling even.

Sizhui's heart started beating rapidly, he didn't like this feeling and the fact that he actually enjoyed kissing...and licking... Jin ling in his dream.

"Why.....why is my robe open?" He asked him self as he looked down a mess he was.

He must of opened it..right? Right.

Sizhui's heart started beating again but this it was because he looked at a really beautiful, gentle sleeping face..of Jin ling. Ahhh not him finding his friend attractive—what the hell was going on with him.

Jin ling yawned and slowly began opening his eyes.
Sizhui freaked out, he didn't wanted Jin ling to see him like this so he quickly ran out of the room.


Jin ling was now fully awake and started looking around for Sizhui in the room.

"Where is he?" He asked himself as he looked at the corners of the room.

Then it hit him like a thunderbolt, the kissing and licking from last night. Jin ling now was red as a tomato..

Then he came up with a conclusion as to why Sizhui wasn't present in the room.

He probably remembered everything.

Now things wouldn't be normal between them, will never be. He fucked up big time even if he contributed half to the problem.

Nonetheless Jin ling got up to meet with the other juniors and the 2 seniors.


"Is everyone here?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Yes Senior Wei." Sizhui replied.

"Ok then let's head out now but first let me do something quickly"

Wei Wuxian walked up to the pretty lady on the counter and said his goodbyes to her concluding it with a kiss on her hand. "Bye bye pretty maiden"
Lan Wangji sighed.

LAST TIME I CHECKED I WAS STRAIGHT!!! Zhuling ffWhere stories live. Discover now