Chapter 2 - Friends?

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"Now shall we meet the young fellow?" Lan Qiren said in his usual deep tone.

Jiang Cheng was in his thoughts thinking about how this elder in front of him used to always shout at him and Wie Wuxian for stirring up trouble, oh those good old days. Hearing the elder's voice Jiang Cheng quickly snapped back and went out to bring Jin ling, he was hoping Jin ling would still be out there and not somewhere else, fortunately Jin ling was out beside the door standing quietly but his face was red and sweaty. Jiang Cheng didn't give it much of a thought and asked him to come in and meet the head teacher.

"Ah you must be Jin ling, Welcome to the Gusu Lan Sect, I expect you would follow all the rules while you're here studying and hopefully learn new things which will help you in the future" Jin ling respectfully greeted the elder with a bow, and waited for the elder to talk again.

"Senior Lan I have to leave early to attend some urgent matters" Jiang Cheng said in a polite manner. Jin ling looked wide eyed in disbelief at his uncle, So he's leaving already huh? So much for caring about me, Jin ling didn't like the fact that his uncle was already leaving—no he hated the fact that the other was leaving, was his uncle really in that much hurry to go away from him...? If so then when will I see him?

Jin ling had so many questions in his mind..he hated being emotional—hated showing his vulnerability to other people because he knew...knew that people would always somehow take advantage of it but right now...right now he just wanted to be alone and cry until he was pulled in.. for a hug, —hug??

He was in shock to see his uncle hug him...god knows how long its been since the last time his uncle has hugged him like this but he didn't care, he just wanted to stay like this forever..forever in this warm hug he yearned for but all good things come to an end and just like that Jiang Cheng pulled away, patted Jin ling's head and told him that he will come visit with Fairy if he has time. With that Jiang Cheng left the office pavilion.

While walking back to the gate Jiang Cheng noticed a certain someone that he was trying to avoid, he tried switching ways but that would only lead back to the office so he had no choice but to walk hoping that the person would turn and go somewhere else but as he was approaching closer to the person he was getting red and sweaty. He wanted to be mad at this person but didn't know how to after all this person did take his precious first kiss away. Yes. His first kiss.

"Well hello there Sect Leader Jiang, I heard you were putting your nephew Jin ling here to study and I was just about to go greet you and Jin ling" Jiang Cheng was baffled at Lan Xichen's words, why did this man pretend that he didn't know anything he did that night... he just wanted to punch this sect leader's precious handsome face but he didn't because it wasn't the "right time"

After some hesitation and some awkward staring at the other's handsome face he spoke "I was just about to leave now since I have other important matters I must attend but I will come visit Jin ling again surely if I have time to, now then" Jiang Cheng gave Lan Xichen a bow and left speed walking to the gate hoping he wouldn't meet anyone else and just like that he left.

Lan Xichen looked at Jiang Cheng with somewhat of a confused look, had he done something to the other?


"Jin ling I have called one of my best junior disciple to show you around, after that you can turn in for the night in the room you have been assigned to."  Lan Qiren said as he sat down doing some paperwork.

After a few minutes there were knocks on the door, after that a young man walked in wearing the Gusu Lan Sect attire.

"Ah here you are, come in Sizhui" Sizhui greeted Lan Qiren with a bow then faced Jin ling, he looked surprised, well he was because the other young man standing in-front of him looked like the person who was laying flat down in the library, god he really wanted to ask if he was the boy that was in the library but waited until the senior would leave.

LAST TIME I CHECKED I WAS STRAIGHT!!! Zhuling ffWhere stories live. Discover now