Prologue: Night Sustrai

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"Family is a force that ceases to be when someone has betrayed it."

Patricia Wentworth

(Kingdom of Mistral, Narrator's POV)

A red glow and thick black smoke was visible for miles in the Mistral night sky, which attracted a 5 year old child to the source of the glow. The child was running at full speed. When he arrived at the scene, he discovered a house, eaten away by flames. It was his house, which was consumed by flames. The surroundings were in a sorry state, as if a fight had taken place, and he had not been mistaken: Right in front of the house, lay the lifeless bodies of his parents. At the moment, the little boy collapsed at the horror of the scene, just before hearing a scream, coming from inside the house.

"Emerald?" He said. He races towards the burning house and tries to get in any way he can, but the debris has blocked all means of entry! He continues to shout his sister's name before he thinks all hope was lost, tears streaming down his cheeks. Suddenly, he was surrounded by a turquoise aura before turning into smoke: He had unlocked his semblance.

The child ran into the burning house before returning to his human form. The heat of the flames was suffocating but he didn't care: he had to save his sister, who was trapped in her room. The young boy ran to the upper floor and knocked with all his strength on the door of his sister's room:

"Emerald! Emerald! Hold on, I'm coming!" Shouts the young boy, panicked. He turns into smoke and goes under the door so he can enter. There he finds his little sister unconscious. He takes her in his arms, turns into smoke and leaves the house. It was really cold outside.

He sees his father's jacket, torn and with holes in it. He picks it up and wraps his three-year-old sister in it. He looks up to see his house collapsing, hugging the toddler.

(Kingdom of Vale, 10 years later)

A lot had changed since that night: Night was now 15 years old and living in a slum with his sister, living hand to mouth. The young man had finished another day's work, in a café that paid him only a few Links a day. On the way back, he crossed the path of two breathless guards.

"Hey, you!" One of the two guards calls out to him. "Did you happen to run into a teenage girl with mint hair and ebony skin?" He asks her. Night nods her head in response.

"If you come across her, please report her presence." The other guard tells her before leaving. Night resumes his route before hearing a noise coming from an alley. He goes there and he finds someone whose profile matched the one described by the guards.

"Emerald!" He calls to her in a sharp tone. The teenager turns around, surprised by her big brother's arrival. "Did you steal from someone again?" He asks her, in a bitter tone

"N-No! What makes you say that?" She asks, trying to hide her lie.

"I don't know, maybe the two guards I ran into who were looking for you!" He replies, annoyed. He approaches his sister and searches her before coming across a wallet.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He asks her, annoyed. Emerald shoves him before walking away.

"You don't understand anything." She said to him before turning around. "We don't have any money, we don't have enough to eat and we live in a rotten slum! It's the only way I found to survive!" She exclaims.

"Stealing people?" Her brother asks. "Are you aware that if you get caught, there's nothing I can do for you?" he asks, worried. He asks her, worried. "Let me do it" he says, in a soft tone.

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