Chapter 7: Players and Pieces

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(Night's POV)

We continued to run until we came to a ruined place, not far from the cliff. Seeing the Nevermore flying, we took cover behind the stone pillars, two by two. Ruby was with Yang, Weiss was with the black-haired girl, Ren with Nora, Yellow with Pyrrha, Dragon with Resare, and I with Krystal. As we looked around, we saw the flying Grimm land on top of a tower before he let out a scream.

"Well, that's great" Said Yang

"Holy shit..." I growled. As we turned around, we saw the Deathstalker running towards us, destroying trees

"Oh, man, run !" Jaune scream

We all came out of our hiding places while Nora distracted the Nevermore

(Narrator's POV)

Nora continued to shoot at the Nevermore not realizing that the Scorpion Grimm was coming up behind her, ready to attack her when suddenly Ren and Blake arrived and attacked her in the face before Night came up from behind and slammed his sword into the top of its head while Weiss took Nora to safety. Night turns back into smoke to get away from the Deathstalker.

"Go, go!" Pyrrha exclaims before grabbing her rifle and shooting the giant scorpion. The whole group was standing on a stone bridge, when suddenly the Nevermore came dangerously close to the stone bridge.

"Look out!" Night warned before the bird flew into the bridge, destroying it. Looking down, Dragon saw Resare fall.

"RESARE!" He yells before Night jumps off the bridge to join her.

During his fall, Night turns into smoke to reach Resare faster. Once at his level, the young man resumes his human form and catches the faunus in his arms

"Close your eyes" he asks her before turning into smoke and returning to the top of the bridge. He puts the faunus on the ground.

"You bastard, don't freak me out like that again!" Dragon complained to Night. The group was in front of a show: Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren against the Deathstalker, and Ruby, Blake, Weiss and Yang against the Nevermore.

"We have to help them!" Declares Night.

"We'll do it !" Krystal replied. "Resare, Dragon, you take care of the scorpion! Me and the pretty boy, we take care of the bird!" She declares, giving Night a friendly pat on the back.

Night catches the two faunus and turns into smoke to send them to attack the Deathstalker. Once above the Grimm. Night transforms into a human to drop the two faunus, who start to hit the monster on its back. The young man transforms back into a human and returns to Krystal to catch her in the air. They see Ruby and the others shoot at the Nevermore, which runs into the building again, collapsing it.

(Dragon's POV)

No matter how hard we hit the giant scorpion, nothing worked. Pyrrha and Jaune attacked it in close combat, while Ren, Nora and I shot at it. Ren runs at the monster before dodging a blow from its tail, he takes advantage of it to hold on to it so he can shoot at its back. Nora continues to shoot at the Grimm before Pyrrha throws her spear in his eye. The monster sends Ren into one of the pillars, before falling to the ground. Resare charges at the monster, dodging a pincer strike before hitting it in another eye. I arrive behind to plant my weapons in two more of its eyes. Pyrrha sends her shield on the end of the monster's tail, which was cut off before landing in the monster's back. Seeing this, I withdrew my weapons and moved away. Pyrrha retrieves her shield, which came back like a boomerang.

"Nora, Resare, nail it" Jaune orders. The two girls jump on Pyrrha's shield one after the other. Resare puts a punch in the back of the monster's neck, while Nora lands by driving the tip of her tail into the back of the Scorpion with her hammer. The shock was such that we were propelled on the ground, before the bridge. We got up (except Ren) and watched the others fight the Nevermore.

(Narrator's POV)

Night and Krystal were flying over the Nevermore. The two students recovered their human form to land on the monster and to stick their blades into the back of the Grimm, who screamed in pain. Yang continued to shoot at the giant bird before hitting it in the eye. The monster heeled to the left.

"We should go!" Says Night before grabbing Krystal's wrist and turning into smoke to return to the ground. Yang jumps into the mouth of the watch and shoots it in.

"I! Hope! You're! Hung-ry!" She screams before jumping off the monster, which hits the wall of the cliff. The blonde falls face to face with Night and Krystal. "Ah, there you are!" She exclaims.

"Yup!" Night replied before cocking his shotgun and aiming at the Nevermore, which landed on a ruin. Yang grabs the barrel of the shotgun and lowers it.

"Leave it to us, we have a plan." Yang said to him before winking and leaving, passing Weiss, who was leaving towards the cliff wall. She jumped on the ruin where the monster was resting to make a block of ice, which blocked the monster by the tail, preventing it from taking off..

"What will they do ?" Krystal asks the young man.

"Go figure." Replied her interlocutor. Weiss jumped off the wall to join the other three girls. At the top of two pillars were Blake and Yang. The young woman with black hair sends her weapon to the blonde, who plants it in the stone, connecting the two pillars with the ribbon of Blake's weapon.

"I think I got it." Krystal said.

"Me too," Night replied, resting his gun on his shoulder. "They will propel Ruby like with a slingshot." He concludes. Ruby lands on the ribbon before Weiss creates a glyph to be able to propel Ruby towards the monster.

"Of course you would come up with this idea." Said Weiss

"Think you can make the shot? Ruby asks

"Can I ?"She asks her, sure of what she's doing.


"Of course I can!" Weiss replied, coldly. The blow is gone. Ruby was propelled toward the monster and caught it by the neck with her scythe. More glyphs appeared on the cliff wall, allowing Ruby to scrape the monster. Once on top of the cliff, the girl fired a shot, and with the recoil of the weapon, decapitated the Nevermore, which fell into the void. All the students witnessed this impressive spectacle.

"Holy... fucking shit..." Night sighs, blown away by the fight.

"There, seriously, they rock!" Dragon exclaims from the other side of the bridge.

(30 minutes later, Night's POV)

We were all gathered in the high school amphitheater to find out which teammates we will be assigned.

"Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronzewing, Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as ... Team CRDL (Cardinal). Lead by. .. Cardin Winchester. " Ozpin declares to the four students, acclaimed by applause, before leaving the stage. "Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as ... Team JNPR (Juniper). Lead by... Jaune Arc. " He declares to the four students who took the stage.

"Aren't you anxious to know who you'll be with?" Krystal asks me.

"Yes a little." I replied.

"Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long." He calls. The four girls walk towards the scene, arms behind their backs. "The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as ... Team RWBY (Ruby). Lead by Ruby Rose. "He declares. All the students applauded. Yang hugged her sister, proud that she was a team leader. The four girls stepped down from the stage.

"Resare Chikara, Night Sustrai, Dragon Setsu, Krystal Shin." He calls us. We walked towards the stage, arms behind our backs.

"The four of you retrieved the black rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as ... Team KNRD (Konrad). Lead by... Krystal Shin" He declares. All the students applaud Krystal.

"Congratulations, 'boss'." I whispered to her. She smiles back at me.

"Looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year." Said Ozpin.


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