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Jisu dreaded the elevator. It always had new surprises for her.

One time, the elevator made her say hello to dead spiders. Another time, some idiot had pressed every button on the panel, so it took her five whole minutes to reach to her floor. 

She couldn't exactly take the stairs, her cabin was at the 28th floor. Needless to say, the elevator gifted her a ton of problems, and for sure it was such a beautiful gift. For sure. 

On top of it, the elevator was a matchmaker. It was the modern cupid, the reason behind her every misery, the reason why everyone around her was taken, the reason why she was still subjected to the occasional horrors of couples making out in the bathroom.  

It was the elevator's fault that her best friend Ryujin was planning to get married, it was the elevator's fault that her colleague Chaeryeong was engaged. 

Seems like everyone but her was dating. 

The elevator always seemed to find out ways to annoy her, and she was as helpless as a working human being could be.

Chaeryeong—the person she was supposed to work with in a new project—had decided to quit her job because she got busy with her engagement. Thankfully, the company was able to find a substitute very soon, and they will be joining today itself. 

Ugh great. Another new person I have to socialise with now. She thought with great distaste

The project was of great importance, it was the only project her boss was so serious about it.

If I don't continue with the project, Ms. Jisoo will chop me to pieces!

Walking through the glass doors and stepping on the carpet that welcomed her, she checked her watch. She was early by five minutes. Not very surprising, she liked to be on time always. But obviously, the elevator wanted to fuck things up and make her life a living hell. She glared at the machine which closed right before she could step in. 

I'll have my revenge someday you damn bitch! One day I'll take out your wires and kill you painfully, She punched the button to call it back. 

Suddenly, her phone shot up inside her old leather purse. She rummaged through the things inside her purse and grabbed her phone, swiping up the accept button. 

"Jisu!" Her older sister, Chaeyoung chirped from the other side and she grimaced internally.

Her sister was a cheerful person who hated lazy-ing around. Meanwhile, she could lie down all day and still feel tired. It was hard to believe that they belonged from the same set of parents. Plus, it was just 9 a.m. and Jisu wondered where did her sister got all that energy from.

"You know," Chaeyoung continued, completely ignoring the fact that she didn't get a response from her. "I'm coming tomorrow to visit you!"

"What?" Jisu almost dropped her phone. "You're coming back so soon?!"

"You don't want me to?" Jisu could picture her pouting.

Jisu started stuttering. "I m-mean-"

Chaeyoung swatted her words away. "I know what you mean. I'm coming tomorrow, and I'm not in the mood to see a guy lurking around in your apartment. So you know what you need to do."

"Kick him out." Chaeyoung completed for her. "I'm staying with you, I need to see what you do all day. And now go and work! I don't want you to be jobless by being late. I need someone to pay for my bills and I don't have a sugar mommy."

Jisu scowled at her sister. "Bye," And Chaeyoung hung up.

Sometimes Jisu questioned her sister's age. Was Chaeyoung really 28?

Jisu snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the familiar ding of the elevator and stepped inside, a very tall man following behind her. She felt like a bug. She was short but she didn't need to worry. Ryujin was short too. 

Stop staring at him, Jisu scolded herself as she brushed invisible dirt off her precious baby pink blouse. 

"Ahem," The talk guy coughed once to grab her attention.

Jisu gazed in his eyes and coughed back, not knowing what to do.

"Hello," The talk guy greeted her, his dimples showing the slightest bit. "I'm new here."

Jisu mentally rolled her eyes.

Of course you're new, or else you won't dare talk to me! I'm Kim Jisoo's first secretary!

The guy laughed awkwardly, ignoring that he couldn't squeeze a response out of her. "I'm Soobin and I'm supposed to fill in Ms. Chaeryeong's place as Ms. Jisoo's second secretary."

She snapped her head upwards, almost having a whiplash, her eyes the widest it has ever been.

Soobin continued, celebrating that he was able to get a reaction out of her. "Also, I have to work with Ms. Jisu for an important project."

Jisu rubbed invisible tears out of her eyes.

I finally get someone who can fetch me files from the top shelf, She thought. Ms. Jisoo likes to keep all the files very high up even though she's short herself and I always end up calling Yeji or Kai to get them for me.

"Eh," Jisu left a dramatic pause. "I'm Jisu."  

Soobin nodded as he absorbed the information. "Okay, Ms. Jisu."

"Just Jisu is fine."

Soobin shoved his hands in his pockets. "Then you can call me Soobin," He shot her a grin that could make anyone go crazy.

And apparently, the elevator went crazy too, since the lights dimmed and the machine came abruptly to a stop. 

Jisu gulped. She was doomed.


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