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Soobin flinched and snapped his eyes open when he heard loud banging on the metal doors of the elevator. 

"Hello?" The person from the other side outstretched the 'hello'. "Are you both alive?" 

Soobin stared into the space for three heartbeats before replying, "Yeah, we are."

"I'm here to inform you that seven hours have passed." 

Bitch, what? Soobin cursed the person in his mind. You woke me up from my precious slumber for that?'

"Huh, so?" 

"We are getting you out in fifteen minutes, please stay away from the doors," The person told him. 


Soobin then went back to his staring at the doors. 

He broke out of his daydream a minute after when he felt Jisu whining in her sleep, snuggling closer to Soobin, resting her head again on his already-numb shoulder. 

Soobin tapped her head. "Jisu," He called. "Wake up." 

Jisu mumbled some incoherent words while stretching her arms slowly and then stopped right there, not looking at him. "Ms. Jisoo," Her voice was quivering. "I didn't mean to fall asleep." 

"This is Soobin." 

Jisu slid away from him and then landed a slap on her forehead. "We're still here? I thought that I was in hell and Ms. Jisoo was cutting off my salary for submitting a report late." 

"You're still on earth. Even if you went to hell, all the demons and Satan himself would run away," Soobin spoke, massaging his poor shoulder. 

"But I am angel, am I not?" Jisu faked innocence and acted as if there were arms were wings.

"No doubt," Soobin reassured her, his voice layered with sarcasm. 

"Why are we still here? Five hours should have passed by now," Jisu questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. 

"Only fifteen minutes left. Then they are getting us out," Soobin responded, his hand still on his shoulder, but not massaging it. 

"That's great," Jisu spoke, happiness evident in her voice, although it was faux. 

Soobin mentally rolled his eyes. He thought, I spent seven whole hours with her. And she still thinks that I can't read her. Don't lie. I'm also not happy.

"We're still working together. I'm not leaving you anytime soon," Those words were from his heart. 

"Right," Jisu made a face as-sour-as-a-lemon. 

"Aren't ten minutes already up?" Soobin murmured, and as if on cue, they heard the sound of gears moving, belts being pulled up. 

"Ah," Jisu said smiling. "We're finally going up!" 

As soon as the gears rubbed against each other, the elevator dropped down. Soobin widened his eyes whereas Jisu started screaming at once. 

She shrieked loudly and scratched her nails on the wall, hugging it. 

Soobin gripped on the railing. "Oh god!" 

That was the first time he'd ever taken god's name sincerely. Around two seconds later, the elevator stopped and opened its doors like a turtle, very slow. 

There stood a bewildered Ms. Jisoo, her one leg in the air, both hands on his chest. 

Yes, it was time for her to go home and she forgot that the elevator was not working (reason why her assistants worked double-time). 

"Ms. Jisoo?" Jisu squinted her eyes at her figure. 

"Ms. Choi?" 

Soobin rolled his eyes again—but this time, actually. Thankfully no one noticed it. 

'Why are they acting like a couple reuniting after years?' He distastefully thought. 

Then Jisoo's gaze shifted towards Soobin.

"Ms. Choi." Jisoo composed herself. "I would like you to meet Mr. Choi, the person you'll be working with from now."

"I was stuck with him in the elevator for seven hours, I know him very well," Jisu answered. 

A staff then entered the scene and bowed down. "We're sorry for the inconvenience."

'I was very happy with her, no thanks.' Soobin thought.

Jisoo turned on her heels and went back to her office, again forgetting that it was time for her to go home.

Jisu and Soobin stepped out of the elevator together and spoke in unison, "See you tomorrow." 

Jisu shot him a smile that almost made Soobin go weak at the knees. 

Soobin smiled genuinely, his dimples showing as he turned and walked into the hallway, going to another elevator, since his first day at work was already over—not a bad thing, of course.


Jennie was tired after a long day of work, and all she wanted to do was to go and sleep until the next afternoon. A wish that was never going to come true. She sighed as she re-arranged the papers in the file and submitted it at her colleague Jisoo's work station. 

She ran towards the elevator, a really nice lady with long black hair was holding it for her. 

"Thank you!" She said out of breath and shot the beautiful lady a smile. 

The tall lady nodded with a smile that she loved. "Lisa Manoban," She introduced herself. 

"Jennie Kim."

Both of the smiles combined drove the elevator crazy as it made a 'thud' sound and came to a full stop.


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