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Soobin was confused. Why did the elevator came to a stop? (Well because duh, it wasn't working). When he saw the horrified look on Jisu's face, he was ever more puzzled.

"What happened?" He asked, taking out his phone to light up his surroundings.

"Excuse me?" He heard someone asking from the other side, and a fist banging on the metal doors.

"Y-yes?" Jisu responded, her voice shaking.

"How many people are there inside?" The person behind the doors questioned.

"There are two people," Soobin replied confidently, unknown to the mischief the elevator was about to pull.

"Please do not panic, I'm about to tell you something."

Soobin saw Jisu visibly tense up, her hands curling into fists.

"Go ahead," Soobin gave permission, quite not understanding why Jisu was acting weird.

"We have some complications in the elevator's system, and the required equipment to fix it will take about five hours to come," The person informed him, and he could sense that the person was a tad bit scared.

Is everyone weird here? Soobin wondered.

"I-It's f-fine!" Jisu stuttered back, her hand scrambling around her leather purse for something.

She grabbed hold of her phone, juggling it on her free hand, punched in the password and then typed in frantically. A few strands of hair escaped Jisu's ear, and she tucked them in straight away, her one hand still typing away words. 

"Jisu," Soobin reached out for her, trying to comfort her. "You look like you just witnessed a crime, are you sure that you're fine?"

Jisu put her phone away and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm perfectly okay," She corrected her watch.

"You still look like you saw a ghost," Soobin tried again, his brows creasing.

Jisu answered, "My best friend told me something scary," And she corrected her watch.

Soobin stared at her suspiciously. "Is Ms. Jisoo going to scold us for being late?"

"Uh, yes," And Jisu corrected her watch, again.

Soobin internally smiled when he saw she had an adorable habit: She corrected her watch every time she lied. He very well knew that he wouldn't be able to get a response out of her, so he decided to distract her mind.

"Is Ms. Jisoo scary?"

Jisu smiled as she pulled out her phone, and Soobin unknowingly smiled with her. "She's not," She replied as she held up her phone and showed him a picture of her.

The first thing Soobin noticed was her beautiful eyes.

"Although she can be a bitch occasionally," Jisu completed, a sour expression crossing her face. "Sometimes she is in such a bad mood, that she places all the files purposefully on the top shelf, the only shelf I cannot reach."

Jisu waved her hands frantically in the air, as she explained all those days her boss had been a headache for her.

"One time," She began telling him and he leaned down to show his interest in the topic. "She told me that she wanted her tea filled with coffee powder!"

Soobin shot her an-amused-but-bewildered look and she giggled.

"Then another time, she told me that I was enormously tall."

"Really?" Soobin asked her again, and she cutely bobbed her head as a yes. 

"On a special event, we went to visit Ms. Jennie from the accounts department and she told her, 'You look great, wife' And I thought that she was drunk, because this was her first time meeting Ms. Jennie."

"And do you know it was partially her fault that Chaeryeong—the girl who worked here before you—met her soulmate."

"How come meeting your soulmate is wrong?" Soobin asked. 

"It's not!" Jisu declined quickly. "That day, Ms. Jisoo was so moody that she kept ordering different kinds of coffee. I was busy with some work, so Chaeryeong had to do all the labour. She ordered weird types of coffee and drained the cup in the nearby sink after taking only a sip. When she commanded Chaeryeong to bring him coffee from the convenience store next to the building, Chaeryeong got stuck in the elevator with that guy who worked for Mr. Beomgyu, Kang Taehyun. Surprisingly, when they both got out, Taehyun shot Chaeryeong a wink."

"So, Chaeryeong should thank Ms. Jisoo," Soobin concluded, and Jisu nodded in agreement.

"Which elevator they got stuck in? As far as I know, there are about seven elevators in the whole building," Soobin wondered, gazing down at Jisu for answers.

Jisu plastered a dark look on her face as she heard Soobin's question. 

"Huh? Jisu?" Soobin was confused.

Jisu fiddled with her fingers, biting her lip uncomfortably.

"Jisu?" Soobin asked for her again, now worried. "Are you okay? You can discuss your problem with me."

He moved towards her, but she raised her hand and signalled him to stop.

"Don't come near me," She whispered, almost inaudible.


"Ah," Jisu reformed her words, "I mean I am feeling a little bit dizzy. So I just need some space." She lied quickly.

"Uh, okay," Soobin scooted away, unconvinced.

Soobin sighed, these five hours will be going long for him. All these years, Soobin had never got Don't-come-near-me-zoned.

But there's always a first time for everything.


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