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Soobin felt like someone was continuously striking him with a hammer. Jisu was giving him a headache. Also, his heart kept on complaining that Jisu's eye smile was too much for him to handle.

'Bro, you like her!'  - Was what Beomgyu had messaged him. 

Yes, he did like her, but in a romantic way? It was too early to be sure. This was confusing. 

Jisu was definitely pretty, no doubt. 

You shouldn't have doubts like that! He ruffled his hair in irritation. He knew he was dumb. 

"I'm so stupid!" 

Jisu looked up from the book she had summoned out of thin air and said, "You're Stubin. Not Soobin."

She giggled at her own pun. 

Soobin wanted to curse so bad or ask the witch in his stomach to turn her into a frog, but he swiped all those thoughts away. 

"Hey Stubin," She made fun of him and pulled out another book from her purse. 

I swear this girl carries a whole supermarket in her purse. He thought, his gaze drifting towards her leather purse.

But books aren't available in a supermarket. 

What is he doing with his life? Even he doesn't know at this point. 


Jisu knew she did a good job hiding her crush on Soobin. There was no chance that he'll fall for her, she was being as annoying as possible, keeping in her mind that she didn't want the elevator to win. The elevator was her enemy ever since she started working in the company, it appeared in her nightmares, terrifying the shit out of her frequently. 

She had nightmares when the elevator made her say hello to the dead spiders on repeat, every three or four days. It seemed like the elevator had this one-sided beef with her, and always managed to get on her nerves. She wanted to file a complaint against the elevator, but the elevator wasn't even a living thing to begin with.

On the other hand, the elevator wasn't purely evil. After all, it was the sole reason why she got to know this handsome idiot right in front of her better. 

"Hey Stubin," She called him, patting his shoulder. 

Soobin glimpsed down at her questioningly. 

"Do you know how holy water is made?" She asked with a toothy grin. 


"You boil the hell out of it," Jisu answered. 

"How do you boil the hell out of something?" 

Jisu scowled. "Last night, I dreamed of an ocean full of orange soda. But then I realised it was just a fanta-sea. Get it?"

Soobin controlled the laugh that was going to come out and mimicked Jisu's scowl. "You aren't making any sense. I don't know why am I still here." 

"You know," Jisu began. "There's a restaurant named Karma. There's no menu—you get what you deserve." 

Soobin exhaled in defeat. "This one was clever."

"Which country has the fastest-growing population? You know, it's Ireland. Everyday it's Dublin."

"What washes up on tiny beaches? Microwaves." 

Soobin smirked in mischief. "I sea what you did there." 

It took a few moments for Jisu to fully understand the pun, but when she did, her face lit up. Lighting up Soobin's entire life as-well, if I need to add.

This time it was Soobin's turn. He said, "The guy who invented the door-knocker got a no-bell prize." 

Jisu loved to crack puns, but when it came to understanding them, she was really slow.

"Rest in peace boiling water. You will be mist." This was one of Soobin's favourites.

Jisu beamed. "You shore loves puns." 

"Shore I do," Soobin responded, grinned from ear to ear."


Soobin thought he could bear handling Jisu. After all, he had spent four hours with her and made it out alive. He could definitely handle her for one more hour. 

He was so wrong. 

Somewhere along the way, Jisu had managed to fall asleep on his shoulder, and her hair made him feel ticklish. He shuddered and brushed Jisu's hair away from the thirteenth time (yes, he was counting). 

He was bored out of his mind and knew that he would have to spend the last hour without Jisu. It made him sad, but he was definitely aware that this wasn't the last time he would be seeing Jisu. Well, they both were working together. 


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