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"What did you expect?" Soobin asked while leaning in, his eyes as wide as saucers.

"I expected them to end up together or something, because they really make a cute couple!" Jisu exclaimed in excitement and straightened up, flattening down the lines on her baby pink blouse.

Soobin's jaw found trouble getting up from the floor—although his legs didn't as he stood up from the floor, also brushing off dirt from his suit.

"Why?! He hates her!"

"No, he doesn't." Jisu said. "He is in denial."

"But he doesn't even like her in the first place!"

"So what? He can."

"This isn't wattpad Jisu," He spoke slowly, as if explaining something to a child.

"You're so stupid! Anything can happen in a story!" Jisu laughed. 

And yes, this might sound corny, but the laugh was the prettiest thing he had ever heard.

Soobin broke into a grin observing her. "Damn, Jisu." 

Jisu immediately shifted into a defensive stance as she felt her cheeks burning because of his not-so-holy-voice. "Didn't you just scold me for cursing? Why are you doing it yourself now?"

"I never said that," Soobin replied, baffled.

"So now you're lying!"

"Whatever," Soobin rolled his eyes and then out of the blue, asked, "Tall people are expected to reach out for things that short people can't, right?"

"Right, so what?"

"So, if a tall person has to ask for something they dropped on the floor, what would it be like?" Soobin rested a hand on his chest protectively. "I guess I'll have to watch out."

Jisu smacked his hand which made him drop his phone and shriek in surprise. She convulsed visibly as she bent over her stomach, trying to suppress her laughter.

"That's not fair!" Soobin protested, picking up his phone and dusting it.

"Everything is fair when Choi Jisu does it," Jisu winked at him, startling Soobin again.

"Peoples' world does not revolve around you," Soobin pointed out.

"Yes, but yours does. I'll mess up Ms. Jisoo's work and then drag you in with me."

"Why?" Soobin couldn't help but wear the that's-not-fair-face expression and Jisu smirked to herself.

"As long as Kim Seokjin is in this world, people will keep on questioning the amazing population of the country," She stated it as it was fact. It was. 

"Kim Seokjin? The famous soloist?"

"Right. He's so handsome!" Jisu shouted all of a sudden, her eyes filled with stars, galaxies and the whole mother-fucking universe.

Soobin took a step back, questioning how long will he survive if Jisu stays like this.

Is she high or something? He asked himself.


"That's not a valid response!" Jisu screamed at him. "Repeat after me," She instructed.

"I pledge my loyalty to," Jisu spoke out for him word by word.

"I pledge my loyalty to," He repeated.

"To one and only Kim Seokjin."

"To one and only Kim Seokjin."

"We promise that we'll never call anyone handsome except for him."

"We promise that we'll never call anyone handsome except for him," Soobin now spoke in a bored voice.

"We'll live for him solely and will die only because of his silver voice."

"We'll live for him solely and will die only because of his silver voice." Soobin completed.

"Great, now you're a Jin enthusiast." Jisu declared, her voice full of pride.

Soobin was speechless, he usually didn't let people have so much control on him. Jisu was an exception though...but why?

And then there was this funny feeling in his stomach that started brewing in his stomach by the time he got to know Jisu and heard her melodious laughter for the first time. He was looking forward to working with someone new when the company asked for his presence here, but he never would have thought that he would be looking forward to working with Jisu so much.

Oh god no! Soobin screamed internally when realisation dawned upon him.

A witch is inhabiting my stomach and she's making me feel this weird!'He widened his eyes.

However, when he saw the proud expression decoration Jisu's face, the feeling almost overwhelmed him.

Am I having a heart attack? He inquired his organs.

No, His heart answered for him. Although I'm getting attacked by the woman in front of me.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked out loud.

Jisu snapped out of her reverie in which she was dreaming about meeting Seokjin one day and grimaced. "That is supposed to mean that you're now a fan of Jin and you have to stream the latest comeback endlessly," She told him.

"I wasn't asking about that but okay."

"I don't care, but you have to stream 'Moon'."

The thing boiling in the pits of his stomach was getting churned and turned by the witch.

He quickly pulled out his phone and texted his dorm mate Beomgyu about this medical condition.

But Beomgyu's response almost killed him. Almost, because he didn't want to die. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to get stuck with a woman so beautiful.


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