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Park Chaeyoung kicked open the door of her car and raised her hand to protect herself from the glare of the sun as she got out, her favourite baby pink bag slinging by her shoulder. 

Oh, she was so excited to meet Jisu! It was an year since they saw each other's faces, mainly because Jisu had decided not to go and work in Australia with her. Jisu had said that she won't be able to survive such a long flight without a bed. 

Jisu would not approve of Chaeyoung picking her up from her workplace, but ask Chaeyoung again, did she care? Nope. It was morning, there would be no way Jisu would take a leave for her. So here she was, on her way to persuade her. 

Chaeyoung hummed a song under her breath as she dropped her coffee cup specifically under the 'Recycle' bin, as she wished that she could drop her sister in the same box too. 

Her hair stood up, a shiver running down her spine as she turned her head to see a girl staring at her with her pretty eyes. 

She bowed down deep to her, the cup of coffee in her grasp spilling all its content on the pavement. 

'What?'  Chaeyoung thought. 

She was caught off-guard as she bowed down again—this time in apology—but again spilled some of the coffee on the pavement. 

Chaeyoung shot him a awkward smile but she seemed not to notice it as she shot back a cute bunny smile. 


Soobin jumped out of his seat and straight on the floor when he heard Jisu wailing loudly, stomping her feet like she was a seven-year-old kid. 

"Why?!" She screamed at the ceiling, as if she was communicating directly with god. "Why did you forget adding height and long legs?! If I had been tall, boys would be lining up at my doorstep to date me! Why does only Chaeyoung has long legs? Why did my crush like her?!" 

An unpleasant expression crossed Soobin's very handsome face, and he thought, 'Yeah, and I'll be whacking them on their heads with a broom to drive them away from your doorstep.'

He picked himself up from the floor and made his way to Jisu, swiftly pulling the file out and handing it to her. "Don't worry, I can reach out files for you everyday," There was a hidden meaning behind his words. 

Last night, he went back to his dorm to tell Beomgyu that he'll be moving out since he finally landed a job, and Beomgyu told him some tips. 

'Confess as fast as you can!' - His words rang in his head. 

Beomgyu did that when he met Ryujin and she said yes, so Soobin knew he could trust him a teeny-tiny bit (that's a lot of trust if you're working with Beomgyu). 

Yeonjun had advised him not to be too serious. 

Kai had wished him good luck, and even gave him his little penguin as a charm. 

Only Taehyun said that he'll fail. 


Jisu was feeling comfortable on her chair going through the files again, Soobin peeking from the side—when they heard an ear-shattering scream, coming from near the elevator they got stuck in a day before. 

And then they heard Mina—the girl who was famous for her breathtaking face in the department—shouting, "Jennie, who are you kissing?!" 

Jisu and Soobin rushed out of their office and saw Mina's back flat on the wall, one leg in the air and her hands covering her eyes. 

Jennie had her hands around Lisa's neck—she broke the kiss for a second and glanced at her friend Mina, then went back to kissing her. 

Soobin and Jisu had trouble picking up their jaws from the floor, all the while Sana passed them and glimpsed at Daniel and Jihyo, then at Mina. 

Even Jisu was shocked, never ever did she imagine the sweet and dedicated-forever-to-her-work Jennie Kim to focus on dating. 


After the elevator incident, Jisu had told Soobin that he should do Ms. Jisoo's work because she was tired, shocked to the core, and done. Soobin had agreed reluctantly, sighing loudly while typing away words on his laptop. He was working peacefully for 30 minutes or so, when he heard Jisu dreamily muttering words in her sleep. "I want a cake, I want to eat ice-cream, Please get me that."

"I like you," She murmured.

"What?!" He coughed out, almost choking on his breath and shook Jisu awake, startling her.

"What is it?" She asked him sleepily. 

"You said you liked me," He told her, still shaking her shoulder so that she doesn't fall asleep half-way. His heart was running on a treadmill. 

"I do," She admitted and then snapped her eyes open. "I did not say that."

"Well, I like you though," The words came out of his mouth even before he processed it.

A thick layer of silence settled in the air until Jisu grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him into a soft kiss.

Chaeyoung was standing right behind them. 


And... Roll the credits!

There's no sequel, this is the end. '21st Century Cupid' will forever be my baby, my first fanfic, the one I had a lot of fun writing.

And I hope, you as readers, had fun too. 

Thank you to the people who stayed till the end of '21st Century's Cupid' and voted and commented on the chapters. Thank you, all those silent readers, and those people who added my book to their reading lists, thank you for even simply clicking on my book - whether intentionally or accidentally. Thank you for everything.

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