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Jisu knew she was damned she saw those dimples. With his visuals, this guy could easily be a trainee in some big entertainment company. 

How can someone be so cute and adorable and-

Jisu! Stop, you cannot fall for him. You cannot let the elevator win! She scolded herself. All her life, never at one point she would have thought of fighting with an elevator. It is essential though, she needs to teach it a lesson and put it back in its place. 

Soobin was fidgeting and playing with his fingers continuously, his body language screaming that he was uncomfortable. She knew it was her fault, she shouldn't have told him to stay away when all he was trying to was help.

"Ahem," Jisu coughed, using the same trick as Soobin to grab his attention.

No response.

"Ahem," Jisu coughed again.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance and glimpsed straight in his eyes.

"Are. You. Blind?" She tilted her head, waving her hands in front of his upper chest as she couldn't reach his face. She was too lazy to extend her arm. 

"I think you meant to ask whether I was deaf, not blind," Soobin made a face, staring down at her.

Jisu staggered back a little, startled, but then re-composed herself and stared back at him, mirroring his expression. 


Soobin grinned smugly, reaching down to the pits of his laptop bag and pulled out a box. He opened the lid and shoved a cucumber in his mouth, and Jisu grimaced visibly. Soobin noticed her expression—being tall has its own advantages, you can observe everyone like an eagle—and thought that she wanted some too.

"Do you want it?" He offered innocently, showing her the box of cucumbers.

Jisu gave a disgusted face. "How can you even eat that shit, it tastes like electricity."


Then he choked on the cucumber he was chewing.


His scream caught Jisu off-guard, and she screamed with him.


Jisoo was confused. She kept on pressing the button of the elevator to call it, but it never came.

When a wave of screaming erupted from inside the elevator, she jumped back a feet away in surprise, earning himself strange looks from the people. She recognised one voice as a male and the other as a female. The female one belonged to her secretary, the one who had ditched work today, making some weird excuse like getting stuck in the elevator. 

Why are they screaming?

Behind, her friend, Taehyung laughed loudly, his voice booming in the hallway.

"Your secretary is probably doing something inside," He uttered out, in between his laughs.

"Ah," Jisoo highly disapproved his friend's thinking, but found herself laughing along with him.

She shook her head. Looks like she should expect another secretary to leave.


"Why the hell are you screaming at me?!" Jisu exclaimed, pressing her back on the walls of the elevator.

"I-" Soobin coughed, and then reached for his water bottle.

He choked on a cucumber.

Jisu went through it again. He choked on a cucumber?

"Y-you l-lost from a vegetable!" She spoke, still laughing.

"Cucumbers are not vegetables. It's a fruit. And they certainly do not taste like electricity," Soobin threw her an unimpressed expression. "Tell me, did you taste electricity personally that you can say they taste like it?"

Jisu mimicked his face and repeated his words, making her voice deeper on purpose to properly imitate him. "Cucumber is not a vegetable! It's a fruit. And they certainly do not taste like electricity. Tell me, did you taste electricity personally to say they taste like it?" 

Soobin looked so done. Jisu loved this look. 

She smiled, and for moment Soobin looked like he wanted to smile back but refrained to do so.

He distracted himself by pulling out his phone. 

Jisu wasn't going to let him go this easily. She also busied herself in her phone, but observed his every movement, copying his smallest actions. Soobin huffed loudly in annoyance, and then smirked. Jisu copied him too, not forgetting her mission to irritate the hell out of him. 

Soobin raised his long arms, his phone still in his grasp. 

Jisu imitated his move — exactly — and then mischievously glanced at him. Then Soobin dropped his phone. 

As if out of reflex, she dropped her phone too. 

Soobin was clever—he caught his phone half-way down and the only device to fall with a thud was Jisu's.

Jisu watched in horror as she grasped reality. She had murdered her own phone. 

Soobin made her do it!

She turned towards the six-feet-giant and glowered at him, her eyes turning pure black. Soobin's amused expression vanishing in the air when he encountered the mini fury. 

"Give me your phone," Those words escaped her mouth, he leaned back, fear bubbling in the pits of his stomach. 

"Eh... How about... no?" Soobin held back, reluctantly. 

He gazed down at her phone lying kissing the floor and picked it up, brushing off the dirt and switched it on. 

"It's still working," He innocently said, and dropped it in her outstretched palm. 

 Jisu examined her phone, turning it left and right in her hands. Her finger then grabbed an app from the home screen, and moved it to the trash icon. "I deleted my k-drama app accidentally, please give me your phone." She joined her hands together, batting her eyelashes.

 Oh what. Accidentally? Soobin thought and looked away. 

"Please!" She insisted.

Soobin handed her his phone, sighing loudly. He honestly didn't know why was he acting on her words. But then, nothing matters when Choi Jisu is beaming at you. 


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