7 - Me too

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I had to take off many layers once I got out of the plane, I forgot how hot it gets in LA. I jumped on the transfer bus and got my bags not long afterwards. I made my way out into the car park and saw my car, I got inside and as I suspected it was like an oven. I turned the air conditioning on and put in on full blast, once the car was cooler I got inside and tried to start the engine. It wouldn't start and I cursed at myself, I pulled my phone out and dialled Lexi's number, I got no answer so I tried Nikki, then Mercedes. I kept going until I went through practically everyone who has a car. I had one person I hadn't tried, Colby. I went to start the car again and as I suspected I didn't start. I don't want to have to pay a taxi fee so I'll just call him.

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

"Um hello?"

"Sorry I don't know who you are, is Colby around?"

"No, but I'm sure whatever you need to say to Colby you can to me."

"I was just going to ask if he could pick me up from the airport, my cars broken down."

"I don't know where Colby is, but I can come and pick you up."

"May I just ask who you are."

"I'm Krisi, Colby's sister. What airport you at?"

"I'm in LAX"

"I'll be like ten minutes but I'll see you soon."

"Thanks Krisi."

"Yeah yeah"

She put the phone down and I giggled to myself, I did get jealous for a second because I thought Colby might have had a girlfriend. Maybe he does, no don't let yourself feel for him. You guys are over, never happening again. Just get over him. I got so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice when Krisi pulled up.

"So you gonna get in?"

"Yeah sorry."

I tried to laugh if off as I got in the car but it just left me feeling embarrassed.

"Oh your pretty pregnant."

"Yep 30 weeks along, they say I should be glowing but I feel like utter rubbish."

She chuckled at my comment before asking me a question.

"So how do you know Colby?"

"We dated for a while and then he broke up with me."

"May I ask and be honest, is that his kid?"

I hesitated slightly before shaking my head.

"It is, isn't it and he doesn't know."

I looked down at my feet.

"I totally understand, but maybe tell him. He does have the right to know."

"I'm just scared he'll break my heart again."

"If he does send him my way."

"Oh it's this house by here."

She pulled in and I got out, I see there's some lights on so I know somebody's home.

"Thank you Krisi."

"Yeah course, remember to talk to him okay?"

"I will, just give me some time."

"Okay, Bye!"


I waved at her car and then made my way to the front door, luckily I was already unlocked. I could hear someone coming downstairs, I looked up and saw it was Nikki.

"Oh my god! Your home, your actually home! LEXI BECKY IS BACK!"

She jumped down the stairs and gave me a hug.

"We've missed you so much, it really hasn't been the same without you!"

"Oh Lexi you've dyed your hair!"

"Yep! Most of the girls got pink streaks in there hair to show support for cancer research, I liked it so I dip dyed my hair."

"It looks lovely!"

"You look lovely, I've missed you so much!"

"I'm not trying to be rude, but you've gotten so big!"

Nikki placed her hands on my bump and it kicked, I saw Nikki's face light up.

"Lexi it just kicked!"

She pulled her hand to my bump and it kicked again.

"Do you know the gender?"

"No, I was planning on finding out next week?"

"If this is you asking us to come with you, we would be honoured."

"Actually I was wondering if you could throw me a gender reveal party?"

"Yes! So we will know the gender and plan it and you can find out on the night! So exciting."

"I'm sorry I haven't called or texted or anything but I really needed some time just me and my baby in Ireland."

"Well I'm just glad your back!"

They both hugged me and I went upstairs to get dressed for work, I put on a tight fitting red dress and curled my hair. I looked fabulous and was truly excited to finally get behind the commentary table again. I made my way back downstairs and winked at them both, they both told me I looked gorgeous and I thanked them before leaving for the arena.

"So Becky your back!"

"I've missed you all so much girls, but I really do have to go now or Raw will start and I won't be ready."

I got my mic hooked up and I made my way out, I shocked the rest of the commentators as sat down. I heard the raw theme song hit and a smile covered my face. The night was your normal commentary until Colby's match, it was a rematch with Barron Corbin with Lacey at ring side. The same as last time it was a no holds barred match. I could feel the tension in the arena as all three superstars made there way to the ring. The bell rung and I could feel my heart begin to race in my chest, not long into the match Lacey started to interfere. I bit my tongue trying not to say all the horrible things that were in my head. Saxon put his hand on my shoulder and I tensed up even more, he tried to calm me but I couldn't take it any longer. Lacey at one point even dragged her hand down his chest while looking straight at me. I threw the headset away and grabbed a kendo stick from behind the table, I ran straight through her and began to repeatedly hit Lacey, over and over. I dropped the kendo stick and began the walk back up to commentary and just like the time on the beach I could feel black spots overtaking my vision. I leaned on the ring post and then I felt my legs crumble underneath me.

I slid out of the ring and rushed to Becky's side, I could see that she was unconscious so I picked her up. I told the ref to ring the bell as I needed to get Becky back safely, I didn't even know she was back until a few minutes ago. I carried her into gorilla where I was met by her worried friends, I don't know what's happening all I know is that I'm terrified that I'll lose her again, forever this time. I stayed with her, using a wet cloth to wipe away the sweat. I kept her hair out of her face and held her hand while we were waiting for the ambulance. When the ambulance did arrive I went with her in it, I don't want to leave her alone. I'm going to stay with her until I know she's okay, no matter how many times she may tell me to leave when she wakes up.

When I woke up I saw Colby sleeping on my leg with his hand on my bump, I smiled to myself and moved a little so that he would wake up.

"Becky? Are you alright? You shouldn't have put yourself in danger for me."

"I couldn't watch her humiliate you any longer, I had to help!"

"You scared me real bad, but you didn't just do it because of Lacey did you?"



"There's been something I've been meaning to tell you for a while, I've tried to deny it but if it wasn't true I wouldn't have felt jealousy of anger when Lacey was doing that to you. I still love you..."

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