the after show, josh

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It was Friday night music when I next saw Jennifer she was the closing act as normal and absolutely killed a acoustic rendition of yungbluds I love you,will you marry me. Everyone stood up once she finished. Eventually everyone's filing out of the coffee shop when I feel someone grab my shoulder I turn around and Jennifer's standing there. I look straight into her blue eyes trying to work put what shes doing. She then asks if I'm the reporter. I laugh and say you should know you sat next to me last night at the comedy night. She hands me a folded up piece of paper then she leaves the coffee shop. I'm stood outside the coffee shop with this piece of paper in my hand. Then John one of the comedians from last night who happens to be one of the group comes over. Everyone's going to a after party which is normal for Friday night. The rest of the lads will already have been at johns and I join them after the show there normally drunk and high by the time in get there but fuck it the party's are usually jokes. I pocket the piece of paper and we get to johns the others are stoned as fuck I can tell. John doesn't smoke weed so he isn't high. I ask him how much did the lot of them smoke this time. I don't think I've seen them this stoned. He hands me a joint and I light it and I suddenly understand why there fucked. This is some high quality shit and they smoked all of it apart from this joint. its about half 1 in the morning when i leave johns house that's when i remember the piece of paper Jennifer gave me. i open the piece of paper and holy shit that's her fucking phone number  

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