falling in love with her , Josh

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I guess after our late night conversation and well knowing that she knows all about my wattpad. How the fuck did she find that though. Like I told no one about it. Arwell I just cant help but falling more in love than I already have. Like I dont know why the fuck I'm so drawn to her. I mean her voice is amazing and shes definitely got looks. But why the fuck can't I get her off my mind. Eventually our groupsnof friends started to mix. Her group brought anya and the girl group to the comedians and the reporter effectively. Anya collected money off most of the others for drugs but I'm trying to stop smoking weed like Jonathan did last year. That's when anya gets a clear plastic bag out her backpack. Its filled with a white powder me and Jonathan stand backs and let the others start snorting a shiit load of cocaine. Like theres a small amount and then theres loads. It's about half 1in the morning when everyone is in a state room leave. Me,anya and jonathan realise we're gonna have to help these lot home. I'm holding up jennifer and a few of the guys as well jennifer is really slumped out. Everyone knows that jennifer has a famous aunt cus she was part of some old band called runaway park (shout out to those that read that) her house is the furthest away so I start leaveing the others to go to there house and efdefrivly carry jennifer home. Shes still high as fuck she looks into my eyes and says something that sounds like I love you but I cant really tell I eventally get her back to her house. Then I get on my bike which I had ben wheeling along beside me with the guys holding onto each other so they dint some stupid shit and I ride home.

The next day my phone starts to vibrate. I'm barely awake when I pick it up jennifer is calling me. I awnser my phone and she alolfieses for last night. I laugh it off and say no don't worry about it things happen luckly I carried you home. She laughs and then Asks I didnt say anything did I. I laugh and say you said something but i couldn't make it out. She says that whatever anya was giveing out at that party was fucking strong. I have to agree with her haveing seen the state of everyone last night. Jennifer then says goodbye and hangs up the phone. I'm still left wondering what did hse say yesterday beacuse it definyky sounded like I love you but no that can't be right I barely know her. Sure she knows alot about me but I barely know her to that extent. Then Jonathan gives me a call. I pick up the phone and he asks if I got everyone else back fine. I tell him how I got everyone back and about how Jennifer said something to me but I couldn't understand it. Jonathan laughed and said it was proabky the cocaine talking he then said trust me the other girls that came with Jennifer and anya they really couldn't handle the cocaine. I laugh and ask what does he mean and he explains how he got kissed left right and centre by them I laugh so hard I nearly piss myself and say your just that much if ladies man aren't you. He laughs an says yeah more than you'll ever be ans hangs up. I go downstairs and my parents are sat in the living room they look pissed. I look over and see why theres a police officer sat in the room with them. I come into the room and ask what's up. The police officer explains there was a incident round the corner last night and that this was a routine call to see if we saw anything I ask him what time was the incident beacuse I was out till early this morning. He says it was around half 1 apparently some kids who where high smashed up a few cars and ran off. I tell him I didnt see anything when I was arriving back I didnt go that far down the road. He thanks us for our time and leaves the house. I go back to my room and text Jonathan

Josh- we have a massive fucking problem

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