a phone call, josh

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i head home and email off the report for Friday night music to my boss. then i pick up my Samsung A10 phone and i enter the phone number Jennifer left on the piece of paper for me. it goes to voicemail so i deiced its fake but then my phone vibrates about 5 minutes later and there's a text message from Jennifer. i wasn't expect the number to actually be hers or for her to text me. she knows its me and we start talking.

Jennifer- oh shit josh its 2 in the morning why are you calling?

josh- ah shit it is as well sorry about that but why did you give me your phone number?

Jennifer-well i felt awkward asking for your Instagram especially if you didn't have one.

josh- two things my Instagram is  josh_the_reporter. secondly im awkward as fuck anyway because i wanted to talk to you on Thursday but i didn't know what to say 

Jennifer- lmao same to be honest

Jennifer- i just wanted to say thank you for all your kind words in the paper and on wattpad

josh-wattpad i don't know what you mean. oh shit wait you know about that

Jennifer- don't worry your secret is safe with me

Jennifer- although your story's are actually really good

josh- thanks your singing is good have you thought about writing your own songs

Jennifer- you the group of girls i hang with that also do friday night music

josh- yeah

Jennifer- most of there songs i helped to write

josh- holy shit no wonder there good you really should try to write your own stuff i would defiantly want to listen to that

Jennifer- you know what josh i might just do that the. anyway im gonna go to bed as its 2am

Jennifer- good night josh

josh- oh sure good night

holy shit im actually talking to the cute girl who was smoking a cigarette out the front of the coffee shop holy shit this must be a dream or some shit. 

my alarm is going off the next morning i get up and i head for the shower. about 20 minutes im dressed and I've ate breakfast. i grab my bike from the garage and i ride to the newspaper office and that's when anya steps out in front of my bike and stops it by grabbing my handle bars. she asks me if I've seen john. i know that if anya is asking for john  he probably owes he for drugs. i say i haven't seen him since last night. she lets go of my handle bars and i ride on. i get to the office 5 minutes later. i grab today's paper and read my own report. 

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