prom night, josh

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2 months later-

we've been out of school about a month. it effectively been partying and being twats for the whole time. but the days finally here we're all in suits. we had been planning this since we had first been told. everyone else had a date it seems expect me. so everyone had deiced to colour coordinate to there date. Jennifer and Jonathan are both wearing red. anya and Alex are both wearing black. and the rest have gone for other colours. while im wearing a grey suit with grey waistcoat and blue tie (by the way i actually wore this colour suit and tie to my prom) we all walked to the massive city hall/event thing where our prom was being held. Jennifer and Jonathan are holding hands. anya is hiding vodka and all sorts of other shit under her dress to be fair we're all carrying some form of drink  in. I've got five bottles of whiskey in my jacket. we get in and Jonathan and Jennifer have already found a spot and started kissing. in the building we have all of the ground floor and the garden to ourselves. i go out into the garden. i find a wall that's hidden from view and i pull out one of the bottle of whiskey. i'm just sitting on my phone about a hour or so later. when suddenly there's a load of shouting from the building i close the bottle of whiskey and hide it back in my jacket and i put my phone away and i get up off the wall I've been sat on. i walk over the the shouting just in time to see Jonathan walk away from Jennifer. she looks around and sees me. i walk over and i hug her and lead her towards the wall i had been sat on for the last hour. once she was sat she broke down crying. i hand her a unopened bottle of whiskey she takes it what ever the fuck Jonathan did it was bad. suddenly there's a load more shouting and i can see everyone is about to fight each other i say to Jennifer that im gonna go stop them all before they all kill each other i pull of my jacket and leave it on the wall and run over pulling everyone off each other eventually I've broke up the fight and yell at the lot of them what the fuck is going on. someone tells me that Jonathan shagged anya in the toilet and i suddenly realise why Jennifer was so sad. i tell everyone to fuck off but i grab Jonathan. i see Jennifer standing there and i punch Jonathan straight in the face hes got a bleeding nose i tell him just be happy it was me that did that if it was anyone else they would've carried on you fucking twat you should probably leave prom mate cus your gonna get battered if you don't. he walks off and i walk back to Jennifer she's holding my jacket i hug her again now knowing what Jonathan did. that's when i see anya. Jennifer looks ready to fight her. i tell her to leave her. i walk over to anya and i can see that Jonathan has done worse than i thought she's flat out drunk. she looks at me and she slurs have you seen Jonathan i tell her that i just say him leave that way and she stumbles off. and that's when i work out whats happened anya and Jonathan have fucked cus shes so drunk and she obviously got him to shag her. i do finally take my jacket form Jennifer and i hug her again because this can't have been easy i can't believe hat Jonathan has been this much of a twat. Jennifer is on her phone and to be honest i think she's writing a song

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