the coffee shop, Jennifer

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the bell rings signalling the end of the day. i walk out of collage with a group of girls. i basically tag along with this group because there a band and i help them write music.we're going to the coffee shop along with everyone else. i stop outside to have a cigarette. i'm just stood outside minding my own business and i turn around and i see him. the reporter from my collage i know his names josh because i see him at the back of Friday night music with his laptop on the table and i read his comments about the music the next day. he seems to quite like when i perform but seeing him now. holy shit how the fuck is the reporter this good looking. i should talk to him at some point. i go into the coffee shop and i can see him looking over at me. i walk over to the girls and i say anyone got his number pointing towards josh. the others laugh. i take that as a no and log onto my laptop and we start work on another song for them for tomorrow. its about half 6 when i head dad opens the door and inside are my uncle Alex and aunt gemma (shout out when boy meets girl) i say hi to them and then ask my dad if i can go to the comedy night tonight. he looks at me and nods then goes back to talking to my uncle and aunt. i go upstairs and drop my school bag and change into some more comfortable clothes. by the time i get back to the coffee shop the comedy night has started. i see josh sat at the back and i go and sit by him.

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