we have a problem, josh

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josh- we have a massive fucking problem

Jonathan- whats up?

 josh- your lot didn't go near the green did you

Jonathan- no. why?

josh- OK anya's lot fucked up a car and shit

Jonathan- fuck was it them that the cops where looking for

josh- what they came round your yard to

Jonathan- yeah they did

josh- well this is fucked

Jonathan- i'll drink to that

josh- we gotta get the rest together right now mate

Jonathan- yeah i'll phone them all now and we can meet round my yard

josh- yeah that works 

Jonathan then starts letting all the others know that we gotta talk about last night. Jennifer texts me asking if i know whats going on and then i tell her that anyas group fucked up some cars. Everyone is gathered at Jonathan's half an hour later and everyone's pissed at anya's group theirs a lot of yelling till eventually I get fed up and just yell out shut the fuck up everyone immediately shuts up and I give a way out of this so long as they weren't idiots and left behind anything we're all fine and if there lot gets caught they cant be pissed at us because we'll just deny all knowledge of there illegal action s after the party everyone nods there heads in agreement and then they start yelling at them again. Well I say everyone I don't exactly mean that Jennifer is starring at me and shes not yelling and I can't be bothered to carry this shit on. While the others argue like idiots me and Jennifer just sit and watch the chaos around us. Then my phone vibrates my mum has text me saying that my school is gonna try something for us this year as we're all leaving there giving us a prom because we didn't get one in year 11. The others have shut up by now and tell everyone. It seems the group is on board and the lads start to plan suits and shit.

eventually we all leave Jonathan house planing to all show up to prom as a group. i'm walking back to mine with Jennifer because she wants to show me something that she's been working on.  my parents cars are gone so i know there at work i unlock the door and let Jennifer in. i ask her what she wants to show me. she opens her bang and pulls out a few pieces of paper and she says i listened to what you said and i wrote a song for myself.

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