LA, josh

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so this is my first experience of being in LA although I'm moving my office to here I've worked out of New York for the last  two years. in that time I've seen all the others become way more successful than me i mean Jonathan has 5 BBC series and a fucking Netflix special and Jennifer has 3 EP's currently in the top 100. ironically its Jennifer that's brought me to LA  as the company i work for wants someone to write a story about her and i happen to actually know her form when we where 17 whether she remembers me is another thing but a little after we all left our little English village she made her first EP and there was defiantly a song about me that i wanna ask her about when i see her. but for now i gotta drive to her studio which is on the other side of LA.

i eventually get there and i phone anya who's now her assistant and let her know im outside. she comes and opens the studio door for me and then realises she knows exactly who i am she hugs me out of no where and asks me how I've been. we talk for a few minutes before i walk behind her through into the studio and Jennifer turns around i can tell she knows that its me. she come's over and hugs me. we chat for a bit and then i ask her if we're able to do the interview 

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