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The next morning Octavio woke up early, leaving Natalie to sleep in. He was so happy he just had to make some new stunts. He hadn't done any in a while and it would be good practice for the games.

"Octavio." came Alexander's emotionless voice and the daredevil froze, swallowing as he slowly turned around. He had just stood up after finishing his breakfast alone and Alexander had walked through the door.

He was dressed casually, or as casually as he could get.

"Yes?" asked Octavio slowly and Alexander stared at him.

"You are dating Ms. Paquette, correct?" he said and Octavio nodded, standing straighter than before. "Yes sir." he answered.

"I am only warning you once, do not break her heart. The consequences won't be satisfactory." said the elder male and Octavio gave a firm nod. "I won't sir. I' love with her." he said, his face warm and Alexander looked thoughtful.

"Sometimes we don't mean to hurt the ones we love but we do." he replied, then left the room. Octavio breathed out and smiled to himself. That could have been worse.

He tossed his tray away then sped out of the cafeteria, heading for the shooting range. There was an obstacle course that he liked to run on.

Though as he passed the lounge, he heard yelling.

"The fuck is your problem? She's my friend!" he heard Elliot shout and he was surprised at the voice that responded. "My problem is that you're always around her. What about me?! You don't go out of your way to speak to me!" snapped Renée and Octavio blinked.

"Why would I? You act like a bitch half the time!"


There was the sound of glass breaking and Octavio darted inside to see Elliot go flying into the bar. He groaned and Octavio went to his side, helping him up. He looked up at Renée and saw that her face was red with anger and her eyes were shiny. Like she might cry.

"Hey amigos, what the hell are you two doing?" he remarked, looking between them and Elliot scowled as he pushed himself away from Octavio, picking glass out of his hands. "That's what I'm wondering. I said one thing about Ajay and she went King Kong on me." he muttered and Octavio snorted but coughed when Renée shot him a seething glare.

"Uh, Renée, what's the problem with Ajay?" he asked carefully and she didn't respond, instead portal hopping away.

Elliot sighed deeply, his expression one of hurt and Octavio put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay Elliot. She'll come around. Let her calm down first. You know how she is." he said and the charming male sighed but nodded. "Yeah okay. I just don't get it.."

Later that day they had a game and unfortunately, Octane was on Crypto's team.

"Son of a bitch." he muttered, glaring at the screen through his goggles. He swore the Apex directors did this shit on purpose.

"It'll be okay Vio. He doesn't talk too much and he's focused on winning so just try to listen." said Wattson and Octane nodded reluctantly.

"I'll try." he mumbled, smiling when she caressed his helmet affectionately. It was probably weird to normal people but he liked it.

In the corner, Crypto frowned at the couple. Annoyed. That speed addict didn't deserve Wattson. She was too good for him.

But that aside, he was there to win. So he would suck it up.

Everything was fine until all of a sudden, Mirage and Wraith were arguing.

They were on a team but apparently she didn't want to be that day.

"You can't just look away angrily, what's wrong with you?!" shouted Mirage and Caustic looked like he might step in, until Wraith shouted, "I like you okay?!"

There was silence as Mirage stared at her wide eyed, his mouth snapping shut and she glared at the floor, her arms crossed.

"Oh.." he mumbled and she didn't respond. Octane coughed to hold back a laugh and Mirage narrowed his eyes at the daredevil.

Here is your champion.

The screen showed Wraith and Mirage, then everyone was jumping.

"Let's go that way." said Octane suddenly and Crypto looked over. As always, Octane wanted to go to the Gauntlet. Crypto rolled his eyes. "Fine, but give me the purple shield." he replied and Octane wanted to refuse but nodded reluctantly.

As soon as they landed, he went for the first supply bin he saw, grabbing a G-7 scout and a p-2020. "Ugh, seriously?" he muttered. He grabbed some ammo, then whipped around when he heard footsteps.

Bangalore attempted to shoot him but he ran out of the way, jumping on one of the jump pads on the ramps and headshotting her.

"All father give me sight!" came Bloodhound's voice and Octane winced when he was hit from behind.

"They're shooting at me?!" he muttered over the com and grabbed a white shield he spotted on the ground. He grabbed a helmet and just as Bloodhound appeared he shot them down, eliminating their squad.

"That was the last of them amigos." he grinned and continued looting. He found Crypto waiting by the jump tower moments later.

"Cover me." he stated and Octane nodded once as the hacker put out his drone. The daredevil waited impatiently, looking around every few seconds until Crypto put his drone away.

"There are two squads in front of us. They haven't started fighting yet. When they do, we go in and confuse them, finishing off the one left." he said and Octane frowned.

"If we use the tower they'll see us coming. We should make our way to them on foot." he pointed out and Crypto sighed. "They'll hear your stim either way." he muttered in annoyance and Octane shrugged. "But they won't hear you. They'll be distracted by me and won't even think about where you could be. Unless you have a better idea?"

Crypto's lip twitched but he nodded.

"Fine. Don't screw this up." he uttered and Octane was itching to shove his knife in the Korean's throat but instead stayed silent.

"Enemy spotted. They look small." commented Mirage over the com and Wraith rolled her eyes. "Okay." she replied blandly and he sighed under his breath.

She had been answering like that for two rounds already and he was tired of it. He knew they shouldn't be talking about their situation right then but he didn't think they'd get to after since she was pissed at him.

She would just avoid him.

"Wraith, I like you too." he said abruptly and she froze. It was silent for several seconds before she turned around to face him. He stared back at her nervously. "You do..?" she muttered and he nodded, scratching his head sheepishly. "Uh yeah, since the day we met. I wanted to say something're always so.." he trailed off, shrugging sadly and her heart dropped.

She had liked him since then too but she didn't know how to express it correctly. Which was why she was always so mean to him. He was always so fun to be around that everyone flocked to him. She hated it. Especially when Ajay was around him.

But no one would flock to her. Not even him. He tried but she always shot him down or ended up punching him.

"I'm sorry. I'm not good with emotions.." she said softly and his expression softened. "I know. It's okay..but you know you hurt me, a lot." he said and she nodded, her expression apologetic. "I know. I'm sorry..when this game is over..maybe we can go somewhere?" she suggested and he smiled, a genuine smile and not one of his usual smirks.

"Of course."

The Calm in His Storm (Octane x Wattson)Where stories live. Discover now