The City

400 22 38

[Battery City, CA]

[09.26.01 - 01:11:57 a.m.]

'You were good, boy,' the old man said, with the grossest smile.

'If you think that's going to get you a discount, you're wrong.' Frank put on his pants and grabbed the wallet from the dresser. 'I'll take an extra twenty for being a creep.' He walked out of the room without another word.

He knew that walking home this late wasn't the best idea, just like he knew he shouldn't be sleeping with strangers for money. But it was the only way to survive in this part of the city.

He made his way past other people, going unnoticed in the tunnels and in the streets, until he got to the empty parking lot behind the Chinese restaurant. His tent behind the dumpster was still there. Home sweet home.

Frank couldn't remember a time before this, and he hated the fact that in order to make it, he had to do this.

Many times, he thought about ending it all.

Just take an entire bottle of pills. Jump off a building or get in the way of a Scarecrow so they got rid of him.

He had no one. His mom had left him, his best friend disappeared. What was the point?

He wished he had a normal life, an apartment in Battery City, someone to come home to. But that was impossible for someone like him.



'Hey, Frankie,' Blue greeted him the next morning.

He'd lived in the Lobby long enough to know everyone there. He'd seen most people here die before his eyes, and he knew every new face. Especially anyone who was in the same business as him, which were mainly Porno Droids.

They were his family. They had been there for him when he most needed it. 'You're too young to be doing this,' the Porno Droid continued.

'You have any other ideas?' Blue shrugged. 'That's what I thought.'

Most of Frank's clients were older men, and most of them worked for Better Living Industries, who pretty much owned the entire city. Frank was sure that granted him some sort of safety. Every morning, he walked the streets of the Lobby, bumming cigarettes while he waited for clients. Usually, they just wanted a quick one in the convenience store restroom. But every now and there, there would be someone nice enough to take him home with them. he liked that because that meant they would at least give him something to eat. They all thought Frank was too scrawny and too small, so they'd feel pity and feed him. he didn't mind that.

When he saw the black BLI car pulling up, Frank almost fled the scene, out of instinct. 'Don't run, sweetheart!' he heard, and when he turned around, he was met with a tall, bald man. He looked important. Way too important.

Frank didn't say a word. Just stared back at him. Was this how everything ended? He'd heard stories before. Friends who never came home.

'Hello, there,' the man said with a smirk.

Frank didn't react. He had done this for too long, and he knew better not to show any emotion. He just hid his fear under his growing dark brown hair, and just nodded. Without a word, he followed the man into his car. He was too numb to cry, but the fear never left.

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