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Senior Year

Michael Mell walked down the hall with his bud Jeremy.
It was way unusual this year, with their social status in the making.

They weren't really popular, but at least they were respected.
And that's all they could really ask for.
But now they were seniors, and everyone was just happy to be themselves.

After long last they were seniors. They were older than everybody else, and gave even less of a shit than before.
Especially after last year.

"Dude, when do you think we're getting our books?" Jeremy asked, staring down at his bulky, dark blue watch.
"What, you mean textbooks?"

Michael smiled and shrugged, his eyes scanning kids as they walked by. He was a solid head and a half above everyone else- height wise.
"I don't know, are you really worried about that?"

He shrugged. "Well, su- I mean, yah. Yah, if I want to learn."
They spent their lunch break how they did every single day: riding to 7/11 to get slushies and soda.

Jeremy had started to tag along, gaining Michael's unique taste for slushies.
Before it had been a mere food aspect, whereas Michael was committed to it.
He said that it was a 'life choice.' Whatever the hell that meant.

They got to Michael's dented locker, and he quickly put in the combination.
Under papers and an extra hoodie was his checkerboard pattern wallet, made from duct tape and glue. It was unfolded and spilling with random gift-cards to god knows what.

That was another life choice he thought, shit gift cards to random places he never went to.
He needed a Spencer's Gifts card though, he'd use that one.

"Why don't you just keep your wallet on you?"
The tall boy grabbed the little homemade pouch and shoved it in his pocket. "So no one can take it."

They started making their way towards the side door of school, where the student parking lot was. They smiled and nodded quietly at a few kids they sort of knew, a strange concept to the former outcasts.
"It's way easier to take from your locker than your back pocket."

"Well someone can just reach back there and grab it." He shrugged, pushing open the glass door for them.
"Heh- wait, wha- are people always copping a feel for your ass?" Jeremy snorted, making Michael laughed loudly and pushed his friend out the open exit.

They were walking to Michael's car, when the door swung open loudly behind them.
A girl they'd never seen before holding a skateboard charged out, an angry expression on her face.

There was something green and yellow dripping down from her messy bun, onto her clothes.
The tense nature of her walk and attitude, brought their conversation to a halt.
She dropped her skateboard and rode off, not giving the boys a second glance.

"What do you think that was about?" Michael asked, watching her ride off away from school.
"It looked like today's lunch." Jeremy frowned, running his hand down his hair to signify the food that was dripping down, onto her jacket.

The boys exchanged knowing, melancholy glances before continuing to the PT Cruiser.
The ride was filled with light chatter from the two, consisting mostly of obscene and arbitrary topics.

They got to 7/11 and hopped out of the car.
"Well, like- I'm just saying man. What if- or if we were to have wings... we could do anything."
"But that would be anatomically uncomfortable, for multiple reasons."

When they opened the convenience store door, the bell dinged in a familiar, welcoming way.
"But you're missing the point... flying."

They shrugged in a mutual agreement and split: Michael going to the slushies and Jeremy going to the sodas.

He walked past the counter, just in time to see the skateboard girl from earlier speeding out the door. He made a pointless mental note of that, and grabbed two cups: one for cherry and one for blue raspberry.

The two met at the cashier, who was reclining back on a bar stool with her feet up.
Her thumbs were mashing away at Gameboy buttons, which immediately peaked Michael's interest.

"Hey where'd you get that?" He asked.
"Ebay." She mumbled, swiping their items quickly.

Michael put in his debit card, waiting for the transaction to be complete.
He glanced at Jeremy, who was anxiously picking at his fingernails and watching the girl on her Gameboy.

His lips twitched nervously, and his eyes conveyed fear almost.
Michael was a tad confused.

"Hey man..." He asked quietly.
Her fingers moved quickly and hit the buttons harshly, but Michael saw it as he pulled his card out of the chip reader, and grabbed his receipt.

Her fingers moved in a zig-zag rhythm.
Up up down down left right A B
Up up down down left right A B
Up up down down left right A B

It's just Konami code, any good gamer knew that.
"Thanks." Michael mumbled annoyed and grabbed Jeremy's arm, pulling him out of the store.

The worker paid no attention to them.
They went outside and Jeremy was trying hard to mask his anxious expression.

"Hey man, I'm sorry. I didn't even realize s-"
"It's fine." He shrugged, cutting him off. "Why wou- it's... I don't care, really."

He stared at his friend skeptically from over the hood of the car, and pulled his door open.
"Are you-"
"Michael, it's just a stupid!... *sigh* v-video game."

"Alright." He sighed, sitting down and pulling his car door closed behind him.
That was the only problem with senior year.

No matter how much cool or older or whatever that they were, they went through a shit ton to get here.

And that wasn't just going to all go away over the summer.

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