~ T W E N T Y ~

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Breaking News

"How the hell are we going to tell Jeremy?" Michael gasped, his eyes widening as the car slammed on brakes.
Y/n flinched, the radio flickering and glitching as she did.

It was the only red light between his house and school, did he have to slam his brakes when they got to it?

"I can tell him." Y/n offered. "If you don't think you can."
He shook his head. "It should probably come from me."

He looked at her.
"But I'm not saying no."

She smiled and nodded, reeling her explosive tendencies back in.
When they pulled into the parking lot at school, they stopped for a second.

Y/n pulled down the sun blocker, looking in the tiny mirror on it.
She still had dark coloration across her temple, forehead, all the way down to her cheek.

"Does it hurt?" Michael asked.
She nodded, gently pressing her finger to the large bruise and wincing.
She didn't realize she could get such a massive bruise from just having her head pushed into the floor.

Michael sighed, but then smiled.
He opened the center console and rummaged around, pulling out a pair of worn, broken sunglasses.

"Dammit." He cursed, tossing them back in the little box between them.
"Well..." he sighed, "Nevermind."

He leaned on the box, glancing at her.
She snapped the mirror shut and flipped the shade down, looking a him.

His broad smile softened, as well as his eyelids.
Y/n saw where this was going, as he leaned into her very slowly.

But something in her couldn't bring herself to let it continue.
She stuck her hand out, touching his arm and stopping him where he was.

"Dude, we're gonna be late." She smiled uncomfortably.
Michael blinked, his smile sort of dropping.
"Right... yah sorry."

Her heart beat at an increasing rate, and she pulled the door handle.
Without even pushing on it, it flew open.

She blinked, jumping out of the car and taking a deep breath, the door flying closed behind her.
"Dude!" Michael jumped out of the car.

She turned around.
"Don't do that at school."

She smiled guiltily.

She looked down at the windows of the car, her reflection drawn out perfectly in front of her.
She frowned, pulling her hair out of her bun and letting it cascade down.

It wasn't much, but it wasn't enough to somewhat hide some of the bruising.
Also the bun made her hair kind of wavy, and she never wore it down.
It was not her favorite.

Michael watched her shake her hair out, slowly gripping his backpack strap tighter and tighter.
As she nervously stared at her reflection, the window started to vibrate.

She backed away from it, throwing her bag over her shoulder.
"Let's go." She sighed.

He nodded, mentally urging his feet to move forward.


The two kids were pulling Jeremy along the sidewalk, away from the door into 7/11.
"Do we have to talk outside? It's cold." Jer complained, wrapping his cardigan tighter around himself.

Michael and Y/n were staring at him with contemplative looks.
"By the way Y/n, I like your hair today. Is that a new style?" He said comically.

His smile vanished when Y/n pushed her hair behind her ear, revealing the heinous bruising around her face.
"We have to talk." She whispered.

"Oh my god what happened?"
He looked at Michael.
"Dude, what happened?"

They stared at him with horrible expressions, neither wanting to be the first to talk.
"What happened?" He repeated, glancing between the two.

The look on their faces struck a chord in him somewhere, some ulterior knowing.
Especially because of how guilty Micheal looked.

"No." He whispered, his eyebrows furrowing.
Then he glanced down at the side pouch of his bookbag.
With a Mountain Dew Red sticking out of it.

"No!" He shouted, the back of his eyes burning.
Michael followed his eyes, down the drink in his pocket.

"Stop! No, just..." He ran his hands through his curly hair, squeezing his eyes shut.
"How?" He whispered.

"We don't know."
"NO I mean..." He looked up at them, his eyes getting puffy.
"How do you know?"

His voice came out thick, and and he crossed his arms.
"My..." Y/n's voice cracked, like she couldn't get the words out.

"My Uncle... has one." She ran her fingers through her hair, bringing bit back in front of her face to hide it.

Jeremy looked up at her, biting his fingernails with a horribly scared expression.
"Adults? It's taking adults now?!"

Michael sighed. "What about Mr.Reyes?"
"He didn't count."

It was barely lighting, and they wanted to laugh...
But how could they?

"Well... why? Why would they go after your Uncle?"
Jeremy was shaking, theorizing everything that could be going on.

"Uh... he couldn't have just gotten one?" Michael guessed, watching Jeremy with worried eyes.
"No, no you don't pick it, they pick you."

He pointed at Michael.
"They knew how dangerous you were, and they knew they couldn't get you to take one. So they got rid of you." He held himself tighter. "They're just, they're smart."

"Well..." Y/n fiddled with the ends of her sleeves, not wanting to make eye contact.
"I actually know... why."

"Why? What is it?" Jeremy seemed nervous and jumpy now, possibly trying to process all of this.
"There's something else I haven't told you." She blurted out all at once.

Jeremy laughed aggravatedly, running a hand through his hair.
"Oh this should be good."

She sighed, looking around the desolate parking lot.
They weren't visible from the road, and the only other car in the lot was the employee inside.

"Well...?" Jeremy shrugged.
She looked down at her hands, trying to enrage or excite or... really do anything to herself to make something happen.

Because she seriously doubted in his state of hysteria, that Jeremy would believe a single word about her having superpowers.

"What is it?!"
"Give her a second!"

She sighed in frustration.
"I can't do it."
"What?" Michael frowned.

"I can't."
"What are you two whispering about? Just tell me!"
"It's not going to work..." She was trying to speak over Jeremy, but he kept yelling at them.

"Well, what if you don't do it, you just tell?" Michael suggested.
Jeremy cut in again, this time making a ear-deafening noise that cut into Y/n brain like a knife.

He snapped his fingers.
"Excuse me, quit talking about me like I'm not right her-"
She didn't even try to contain herself, but she didn't know how it was going to come out.

"Shut up!!" She screamed, packing a punch with her words. And mind.
Jeremy flew off his feet, flying back at least 8 feet away. The fluorescent bulb above their heads twitched and shattered.

He skid across the ground, making Michael gasp.
Y/n's shocked expression... came a few seconds too late.

Jeremy looked up from his spot on the ground, glaring at her.
"You have fucking superpowers... and you didn't tell me?!"

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