~ T E N~

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Y/n was riding her skateboard out of the building, passing by the brick wall outside the school.
She glared at the small cracks, riding along the sidewalk through the mostly empty parking lot.

She usually stuck around towards the end of the day, she didn't like to leave when everyone else was leaving.
When she got to the end of the sidewalk, she slowed down to check for cars, but was frightened by a loud car honk.

She kicked her board up, throwing it up and wielding it like a weapon for smacking attackers.
When she spun around, the red PT Cruiser was behind her, the idiot waving at her from inside.

She rolled her eyes and dropped her board, unable to contain the smile spreading across her lips.
"What the fuck, Mell?" She smiled.

He waved her towards him, and she moseyed over to the car, climbing in the back seat.
To Y/n's surprise, Jeremy and another girl were sitting in the backseat.

"Hi!" She waved.
Y/n stared at her, before moving to the front seat and sitting shotgun, cramming her board into the foot space.

The bubbly girl tapped Y/n's shoulder and smiled.
"Hey, I'm Christine. Canigula." She smiled, her black bob hair swaying with her every dramatic movement.
She seemed very theatrical, and it made Jeremy smile.

"Y/n L/n. You're Jeremy's girlfriend right?" Y/n assumed because of how Michael's retelling of the Squipcedent was concluded.
Her suspicions were confirmed when Christine smiled broadly, and Jeremy grew flushed.

Y/n laid back in her seat and smiled at the boy at the wheel.
"So are you taking me home, or just kidnapping me for your black market transactions?"

The car smoothly pulled out of the parking lot, crammed in with hyper teenagers, ready to get as far away from school as possible for the weekend.
"Well I was thinking we could get Pinkberry, but I like your idea better."

"Which part?" Jeremy giggled, and Michael held a finger to his lips, making the kids laugh loudly.
"What's Pinkberry?" She asked.

Michael just about slammed on brakes, and everyone in the car stared at her with expressions of both confusion and shock.
"What? Is it like, smoothies or something?"

"Where the hell are you from that there was no Pinkberry?" Jeremy sputtered, accompanied by Christine nodding profusely.
"Uhhh... somewhere normal."

The small car swerved quickly out onto the road, and Y/n blinked, very startled. Her vice-like grip on the door and center console made an unpleasant scratch noise.
Every second they sped up, she felt they were going to crash.

"Pinkberry is the best frozen yogurt you'll ever eat." Michael said, his voice muffled by the revving car filling Y/n's ear drums.

"I wasn't really into it at first either, but Brooke and Chloe are there every Friday after school, and they have punch cards."

Y/n blocked out the noises and the talking best she could, but the more she tried to more the sounds amplified.
Michael's ranting, the wheels revving at strenuous speeds, Jeremy and Christine chatting in the back.

Every sound she zeroed in on, her eyes twitched in that direction.

Her heart beated in her head, and the speed of the car made her shake.
She wasn't angry like usual, but she still felt the beating, rising, vomity feeling.

She couldn't tell if she was about to throw up, or blow up, but something not good was going to happen and she didn't want it to happen to the other people in this car.

Finally the car slowed to a halt, and pulled into a dinky shop with a pink swirl on the door.
Christine jumped out of the car before it even stopped, and was quickly followed by Jeremy.

"Oh my god those two are going to die getting out of my car one day, and it will not be my fault." Michael smiled, pulling the keys out of the ignition.

When he looked at Y/n, she was noticeably tense.
"Hey, you okay?"

She smiled awkwardly and waved him off with a shaking hand.
"Pshhh, me? Totally good just... should have taken my Zoloft this morning." She mumbled, letting go her death grip on his interior.

He rest his eyes on her for another second before shrugging and opening his door.
"For what it's worth, I've never seen you this affable before."

He got out of the car, leaving Y/n inside, pandering that.
She's never been so easy to talk to, so friendly?

Maybe the Zoloft made her too numb. Maybe her anxiety was the price to pay for being approachable.
She could be okay with that.

She got out of the PT Cruiser, careful not to hit the truck very close to her door, and following the kids inside.
The shop smelled fruity, and was really cold.

She glanced up at the menu.
It was frozen yogurt. Of course.
Did someone already say that? She could barely pay attention in that car.

Jeremy and Cristine were waving to two girls making their way towards the entrance, holding empty yogurt cups.
One of them was kinda short with long blonde hair and an off-the-shoulder cardigan.
The other was much taller... and kind of scary looking.

Y/n was too busy observing the two to actually hear anything they were saying.
"Hello!" The scary one snapped in her face.
Y/n flinched and frowned at her.

"I said, who are you?"
Y/n fumbled with her hands, twirling her squeaky shoe into the glossy floor.
"I uh.. so-sorry I'm friends... well I met- well, they-"

"This is Y/n, she's new this year." Christine cut in for her.
And thank god she did. Even Y/n didn't know what she was saying.

"Alright... well I'm Brooke," the short one smiled, and pointed to the scary one. "And this is Chloe."
Y/n nodded and kept her eyes on Brooke, not wanting to make eye contact with Chloe.

Brooke glanced behind Y/n and gave a small wave.
"Good seeing you guys."

Y/n turned around and the two boys waved to them from the yogurt station.
"Bye Chris."
And they were gone.

She joined Michael and grabbed a cup.
"So are you friends with those girls?"

He shrugged, pouring Cake Batter froyo into his cup.
"I mean... sort of? We went through something you know... something pretty scary together. I guess that counts for something."

She nodded.
Counts for something.
Doesn't mean she had to like them.
At least not the scary one.

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