~ T H R E E ~

413 14 9

Fuck off

All day Y/n was tormented. Not anything horrible, but snarky little comments about 'The Orderly' which was her.
So now she was The Orderly. She got to hand out pills to all the lunatics and junkies, right?

Pfft, whatever. Who cares, right?
She wished more than anything that she could really not give a shit, but nothing about her laid-back thought process was genuine.

She slipped out the back, trying to avoid kids.
And now she was going to have to explain to her uncles why she was in detention today.

When she got out to the student parking lot, she dropped her skateboard and spotted the two boys from the morning, and the hallway.

The one in the red hoodie saw her too and jumped up from his spot on the car hood, stomping out his cigarette.
"Hey!" He called after her.

She really didn't want to talk to this kid. She didn't want to hear whatever snarky comment he wanted to rattle off.
She didn't want to hear some half-ass apology about the embarrassing encounter.

That's why what he said caught her off guard.
He jogged up and stopped for deep breaths. "Are you okay?"

She took her left foot off her skateboard and stared at him skeptically.

He pushed his thick glasses up with his index finger.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay because I noticed you were in detention an I- uh, oh!" He was speaking at the speed of light, and ran back to his car.

Y/n sat there in irritable confusion, tapping her foot and waiting to be relieved from this awkward situation.
He ran back to her with a slushie, and she grabbed it hesitantly.

"Uh, I-I don't know what kind you like so I went with cherry."
She looked down at the red drink, one bubble pushing through the ice and popping at the surface.

She looked up at the kid with an energetic expression on his face.
Behind him was the other kid, sitting on the PT Cruiser. He had a quiet look on his face that made Y/n want to smile.

"Uh... okay." She tugged her book-bag strap up higher on her shoulder and put her other foot on the board.
"Wait! Uh..." The boy stopped her again and wrung his hands.

"So... where did you get all those Squips from?"
She raised an eyebrow. "Those whats?"
"The... the squips, the pills." He whispered, but it sounded more like a question.

Her off-put expression turned dark, and she frowned.
"The pills? I got them from the frickin' pharmacy!" She shouted.

"The... what? Wait, those weren't Squips? Why did you drink Mountain Dew with it?"
Her face got redder with anger and she fished for the stupid pill bottle in her pocket.

"I drank fucking Mountain Dew because it was all I had on me!" She threw the bottle at him. "And this?" She held up the slushie. "I don't want your fucking slushie asshole!"

She threw the very full cup at him, making the slush splash everywhere.
What, a bribe to get her to shut up? A fake lead to gain her trust? She didn't know what the fuck it was, but for once she didn't care.

And she was real quick to skate out of there, leaving the tall boy covered in slushie ice on the sidewalk.


Y/n was lying in her bed, the same darkness falling over it but in night this time.
She never wanted to get up, despite the fact she was dying of heatstroke under her covers.

It was only 8:45, but she didn't want to leave.
Until there was a sharp knock on her door.

"Yes?" She called from her blanket.
The door swung open and her Uncle Scott was standing in the doorway, his police uniform providing an unwanted glare.

"What's down kiddo?" He asked, his hands on his hips.
"The floor."
"None of that." He snapped, stepping into her room. "Did something happen today?"

She sighed and sunk further into her covers. "Something always happens. Today I got a nickname."
He crossed his arms over his chest, broadening his stance further.

"Good or bad?"
"Well coming from someone who has no friends, what kind of nickname do you think?"

He let out a deep, gruff sigh and sat at the foot of her bed.
"What is it?"

She sunk down more, so that the covers were up to her nose and her sloppy bun was flopping every which way. "The Orderly." She mumbled.

"I'm going to need you to elaborate kiddo."
She groaned and pushed the blanket off, crossing her arms like he was.
"Some kid shoved me today and all my Zoloft on the floor. I looked like a goddamn freak."

"Hey!" He snapped again, actually snapping his fingers this time. "Language."
"Sorry." She mumbled.

He stood up and stalked to her door, checking his watch.
"And watch that attitude."
He shut her door and she frowned, throwing her pillow at it.

Y/n hated it when he said that. When any adult said that to her.
She only got an attitude when they started acting like bitches.

Her blanket was already off so she stood up and grabbed her remote, turning it onto the YouTube app.

She scrolled through her music genre, trying to find something just enticing enough to turn on, but not so interesting that'd she'd actually watch it.

She settled on a long one titled Trail to Oregon with a folksy, light-hearted opening.
Sounded good.

Y/n L/n flopped onto her bed and rifled through her bedside drawer, looking for her bluetooth headphones. Her attempts were futile, for they were nowhere to be found.

She really needed to clean her room, but there was just too much to do in one night. It seemed more like a job that would have to be planned ahead of time.

So instead she laid on her bed and watched the pioneers singing and dancing on the screen, trying her hardest to forget the unpleasantries of today's agenda.

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