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I groaned when continuous knocking can be heard throughout in my little cabin.

My arm stretched out to touch nothing but empty space and my brows furrowed.

Last night, since he was still incapable to be swimming, I let him stay with me for the time being. That includes sharing my bed.

He may be small and short, but I can't let him sleep on a sofa. Poor boy will get cold.

I groggily opened my eyes, realizing Doris wasn't beside me anymore.

Where was he? Did he leave? Did he really leave without thanking me?

Ungrateful boy.

I shook my head, he might have just went out.

Knocks turned into bangs, making me get up from the bed to open the door.

It's probably Doris. No one's living in this private area besides me. This is my property, no one's allowed to be here unannounced.

Opening the door, I was shocked to see him standing there with a scowl, yet his cheeks were tinged with red.

He nudged something with his feet. And, my eyes nearly bulged out of its sockets when I saw lots of pearly jewelry.

"What's all this?" I asked with confusion.

Rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, all made out of pearls, were stored in clam shell plates.

He looked down and mumbled, "For you, stupid"

"Why?" My voice was calm and collected, but internally, I was absolutely gay panicking.

Doris sighed and glared at me. His face now flushed.

"You're my mate. Yeah. I know. How great. This is so lovely. Surprise" I bit my lip to suppress the laugh that was about to come out because of his sarcastic tone. 

I'm not even surprised. Merfolk being mated to humans are not unusual. I've heard of stories when I go out to either Kingston, or Portmore to buy some stuff.

"And this" He gestured to the jewelry. "Is how mermans court their mates"

I felt myself smile, and without thinking, I pulled him closer to my chest and kissed the top of his head.

"Thank you. But, are you alright? You're still healing" My voice was laced with concern.

He coughed and fidgeted on his feet.

"Y-yeah, I'm great. I'm all g-good" He stammered out.

I sighed and let us enter the cabin, with the jewelry he brought, and grabbed the first aid kit.

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