Homicidal Beasts & Where To Find Them

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As if life wasn't hard enough in Beacon Hills as it is, life decided to grant us a homicidal lizard to spice things up. Honestly if I want things to be spiced up I would've gone to a Mexican or Indian restaurant. I told my dad about Stiles description and the body I saw in the animal clinic but he seemed about as clueless as I am. So our last option is the Bestiary that the Argents believably have, how on earth we're going to find this book or record I don't know. Though considering that Allison and Scott can't be seen together like at all just adds to the complications.

'Elena!' I look over at Allison who's the one that called out to me, I walk over to her and sit down at the table with her.

'Hey, what's up?' I ask.

'Stiles tells me you guys think that my family might have something like a bestiality?'

'Bestiary.' I correct and she nods.

'Well I've seen my grandfather with a leather bound book, he keeps it on him like 24/7.' 

'Well that was a lot easier than expected.' I say and frown, it's always suspicious to me when things are easy or go to smoothly.

'Well we have that lacrosse game tonight so as the principle Gerard should attend. If you can find a way to get the keys and keep him distracted Stiles and I can go on a scavenger hunt through his office risking getting expelled from school.' I say, I called Stiles and put the phone on speaker so that we can plot together without Allison's parents going terminator on Scott's wolf butt.

'Yeah that could work.' Allison says.

'What about me?' Scott asks.

'Do what you do best, play lacrosse.' I say.

'Ok so tonight then?' Allison asks for confirmation.

'Yeah, I never liked school anyway.' I say and then hang up.

'School's not so bad.' Lana says as she sits down next to me.

'So what are you two doing?' Lana asks and Allison and I share a quick glance.

'Talking about the game tonight.' I say shrugging and Lana nods before taking out her books.

'Yeah I bet tonight's going to be awesome.'  Lana says and Allison and I share another look.


Where are you dumbass? 

I text Stiles as I wait for him outside of Gerard's office, Stiles is supposed to get the keys and I'm currently waiting for him. I hear the sound of approaching footsteps and start walking towards the school exit so that whoever it is won't see me lurking outside the principle's office.

'Elena?' I cringe inwardly as I turn around and plaster a smile upon my face when I see my uncle.

'What are you doing here kiddo?' The sheriff asks.

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