Further Complications

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I walk into the animal clinic, Deaton told me that Derek showed up there with Scott so I decided to come check up on them

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I walk into the animal clinic, Deaton told me that Derek showed up there with Scott so I decided to come check up on them. Scott is lying flat on his back on the metal table completely passed out and he looks kinda peaceful. Derek's sitting on a chair his head leaned backwards against the wall, Deaton had to leave quickly so I'm left with babysitting the two werewolves. I walk over to Derek and I noticed the blood staining his shirt, I kneel down infant of him and I gently and as softly as possible lift up his sleeve and I see the slowly healing bullet wound. I sigh, I should really find myself a boyfriend that isn't so prone to getting injured.

'I'm fine.' Derek's tired voice says and I look up at him, he's moved his head so that he can look down at me.

'I'm starting to think I need to invest in bullet proof clothes for you.' I mumble and I roll his sleeve back down.

'I'm healing, so I'm fine.' He says and I sigh standing up and sitting down next to him looking at Scott's unconscious body.

'What happened?' I ask and Derek looks at me before looking at Scott.

'Allison's mother tried to kill Scott, she got very close to it. She nearly killed me too but I managed to get us out of there.' There was something in his voice that told me he's not telling me everything.

'What else?' I ask but Derek doesn't answer me.

'What else Derek?' I ask.

'I bit her.' Derek says.

'You what?'

'I bit her.'

'Do you know what that means for a hunter? She'll have to take her own life if it doesn't kill her!' I whisper yell not wanting to wake Scott.

'I know! But it was that or let her kill me and Scott.' Derek defends, I never liked Allison's mom in fact the word hate comes to mind but I didn't want her to die, Allison didn't deserve that.

'Allison's gonna hate you.' I mumble.

'She hates me anyway.' Derek says and I can't really argue with that, Allison doesn't hate Derek not yet but she doesn't trust him.

 I sigh and close my eyes desperately wanting to sleep. I open my eyes again and I look over at Derek who's closed his eyes again, there's a tingling feeling in my stomach and a tug at my heart as I watch his flawless face relaxed. The image of him dead on the floor choked with wolfsbane and multiple bleeding wounds makes me nauseous. That image alone makes me wish I killed Mrs. Argent instead, I glance at Scott knowing that things are going to get ultimately more complicated for us. 

I sigh and realise I should probably go find Stiles and talk to him, inform him on what happened and figure out what was bothering him earlier. But I couldn't leave Derek in this vulnerable state not even with the protection from the mountain ash. I reach out and brush a few strands of hair from his forehead, this makes me think of when Derek was shot with that wolfsbane bullet from Kate and he nearly died. It seems so long ago but it was only a few months back, I can't believe how things have changed since the beginning of the year and now. I look back at Derek's face to find his green eyes looking at me.

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