Saving Goldy Locks

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We meaning Scott, Stiles, Derek, Erica and I rush into the broken down train, Derek's carrying Erica and he kneels down onto the floor instructing Stiles to hold her up. I might not like Erica very much but I don't want her to die either, well not really. 

'Is she dying?' Stiles asks and because of the rather serious situation I force a sarcastic comment back down my throat.

'She might, I...sorry this is gonna hurt.' Derek then grabs her arm and breaks it causing Erica to yell out in pain, well remind me never to ask Derek for medical advice or help.

'You broke her arm!?!?' Stiles exclaims.

'It'll trigger the healing proses.' Derek explains shortly.

'I still  have to get the venom out, this is really going to hurt.' Derek warns and then he digs his claws into her and blood drips from her fresh wound, dispelling the Kanima venom. She screams in pain and then half faints against Stiles breathing heavily and her eyes are distant and filled with tears of pain.

'Stiles, you make a great Bat Man.' She says.

'I though you were Robin.' I say and Stiles shoots me a look to which I just shrug and Erica faints in his arms.

After Derek is sure the venom has been dispelled from her system he retracts his claws and leaves her in Stiles's arms giving her time to rest and Heal. After wiping off his hands Derek leaves the train fallowed by me and Scott.

'You know who it is.' Scott states and Derek slows down coming to a stop he turns around and looks at us. He sighs and leans against a container.


'You just wanted Erica to confirm it.' Scott says and I'm happy his brain is finally catching up to speed.

'I'm gonna help you stop part of your pack.' I turn to look at Scott with my eyebrows raised high.

'You're what?' I ask and Scott ignores me.

'If you want me in fine, but we do it on one condition, we're gonna catch him not kill him.' Scott says and I'm still trying to get why he's joining Derek's pack, I feel like I'm missing something, like there's a piece of the puzzle that's gone.

'And?' Derek asks folding his arms over his chest.

'And we're gonna do it my way.' Scott says and I frown.

'I thought Derek's the alpha?' I ask.

'These are my conditions.' Scott says and I look between him and Derek.

'Very well then.' Derek says and my mouth falls open slightly, I then smack it shut and I furrow my brows trying to figure out what just happened.


1) Scott joined Derek's pack.

2) Derek agreed not to kill Jackson and to do it Scott's way.

Yup someone definitely went back in time stepped on a bug and changed the coarse of history.

I pull Scott aside and he looks at me questioningly and I flick him against his forehead.

'Hey! What was that for?'

'To check if you're real.'


'You just agreed to be part of Derek's pack.' I say frowning.

'The Kanima is a slightly bigger problem than my personal differences with Derek.'

'Oh ghosh now you sound like a teenage girl teaming ups with her ex.'

'I don't.' I fold my arms over my chest and I raise a brow at Scott challengingly.

'We need Derek's help.'

'I never said we didn't.'

'I'm confused.' Scott says frowning and I roll my eyes before sighing, how do I tell him that I feel he's not telling the whole truth as to why he's joining Derek's pack and demand that he tells me the truth.

'Forget it, just know that technically I have to kill Jackson because he's killed innocents.'

'You don't know that!'

'I don't?'

'It says the Kanima goes after murderers.'

'Okay fine but if they're proven to have been innocent people....I'll have to kill him.' I say and I look down, knowing fully well that it'll be hard but it's my job.

'We'll figure something out.' Scott says placing a hand on my shoulder and I look up at him and I sigh.

'Hey watcha talking about?' Stiles asks as he walks over to us.

'Scotty Boy is now part of Derek's pack.' I say shrugging.

'What!?' Stiles exclaims.

'Tag you're it, he's your problem.' I say and I walk away and back into the train.

'She ok?' I ask looking down at the sleeping Erica.

'Yeah.' Derek says.

'Well don't expect me to save goldy locks again, this is the second time I help saving one of your Beta's asses.' I say.

'Yeah I know.' I look through the window to see that Stiles and Scott has already left, I walk over to Derek and I place my hand on his shoulder.

'Derek I believe you have the potential to be a great alpha.'


'But you're gonna have to start trusting your own Beta's, and take more responsibility for them.' I say and Derek looks at me, Erica whispers something in her sleep reminding me that she's there. I lead Derek out of the train and we walk towards my car.

'Trust doesn't come easy for me either Derek but....if you don't trust anyone ever you're just gonna end up being alone, and no matter the colour of your eyes you'll just never be more than an omega.' I say.

I look down, I know my words are harsh and cruel but they're true, if he pushes everyone away he'll always be alone and no matter how many people he gives the bite and how big his pack is he'll still be alone, a lone wolf, an omega. I open my car door and purse my lips.

'It's something to think about.' I say and I turn around to get in my car but Derek grabs my wrist stopping me, he's eyes are on the floor and he doesn't look at me.

'I...I trust you.' He says and I turn to face him completely.

'Last I checked I'm not one of your Beta's.' I say and Derek meets my eyes.

'I'm not trying to be rude, cruel, cold or hypocritical, I'm just trying to help you.' I say.

'I know.' Derek says and I give him a small smile, I take a step forward and I place a quick kiss on his lips before stepping back and getting ready to get in my car again but Derek still has his hand on my wrist and he gently tugs me towards him and places his lips on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck as his slithers around my waist pulling me closer and deepening the kiss, we have to break the kiss to get some air and he leans his forehead against mine.

'I'll try.'

Trust (Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now