Illegal Plans

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'You what?'

'We kidnapped Jackson and he's currently locked up in the back of a police transport van that I stole.' I resist the urge to face palm as Stiles tells me his brilliantly illegal plan.

'And his parents aren't gonna I don't know wonder where they're son is?!' 

'I'm texting his dad.'  Stiles sounds way to optimistic about this.

'And what is Scott doing?' I ask.

'He's trying to figure out why Jackson tried to kill Danny.' 

'Jackson can't remember anything Stiles, which means the killing Danny part has to do with the Kanima, not with Jackson.'

'Just shut up and let the professional's work Lena.'

'Okay well I'll come visit you in prison then.' 

With that I hang up, I stare at the school wondering whether I should go to class, find Stiles smack him upside the head then help him guard Jackson or help Scott with his investigation. Deciding that maths is slowly squeezing the life out of me I reverse and start driving towards Beacon Hills reserve to help my idiotic Cousin with his illegal plan.


'You came!' Stiles says throwing his hands in the air and smiling like an idiot.

'You're stupid.' I mumble and I look over at the police transportation van.

'Is he awake?' I ask and Stiles nods.

'Yeah I already told him about him being a Kanima and what not and he didn't believe me.'

'You told a teenage boy that's completely and utterly convinced that he's turning into a werewolf that his actually a homicidal lizard that tried to kill his best friend and he doesn't believe you?' I sum up.

'I can't see why.' I say sarcastically and I walk to the van wondering whether or not I should try to talk to him, I really don't like Jackson but I guess it couldn't hurt to try and keep him from getting killed for now.

'Listen I'm gonna go pick up lunch, keep an eye on him.' Stile doesn't wait for my response before hopping into his jeep and and driving away leaving me alone with Jackson and I groan aloud before slowly walking towards the van, I open the back door and slip inside before closing it behind me.

'I should've known you're part of this.' He spits.

'Trust me Jackass if I was part of this you wouldn't still be alive.' I mumble fully knowing that I should actually kill him. 

But that's what's tricky with shapeshifter often only one side is guilty and to bring that side to justice you'll have to kill the innocent half too. Jackson isn't murdering people around the block, even though I wouldn't put it past him.  But his other half the Kanima is, so I have to kill the Kanima but I can't kill the Kanima without killing Jackson, I might hate Jackson but Death isn't a sentence you should give out lightly.

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