James PoV:
I want to help Ian out as it sounds, he's been through hell lately. I'm going to talk to the boys about it via FaceTime.
*FaceTime call with Brad, James, Connor and Tris*
James- We need to talk.
Brad-What about?
Connor-Yeah James what about?
Tris-Just let James explain!
James- Remember the concert that was in Newcastle, and this fan, Ian if you remember him, gave me a hug.
Connor- Yeah, I remember Ian. He was the best fan we've seen the entire day and hes my boyfriend.
Brad-ok keep going
James- He put a tweet on Twitter, with a picture of him being attacked.
Brad-Right and?
James- I think we should adopt him; every child needs a safe and stable environment. I'll adopt him and he will take my last name. What do you all think?
Connor- go for it, my boyfriend isn't safe, and I want him safe here with us cos I miss him.
Brad- Go and get Ian.
Tris- Yes James, Do it.
*end of call*
Well, that does it, we're going to adopt Ian.
Just need to find out where the care home is where he is staying. I'll look on his Twitter.
Ian Williams @Student_Ianz
Bio: Hey there! I'm Ian, I'm 16, I go to South Tyneside College @SthTyneCollege. I'm a care kid waiting to be adopted.
I currently live at South Tyneside Care Home in South Shields.
Well, I know where to go.

Adopted by The Vamps 2021 FanFiction
HumorPlot: Ian goes to The Vamps concert in Newcastle, and goes to a meet & greet with the band, but when he gets back to the care home (where he is until he gets adopted), he gets attacked, and he uploads a Tweet and The Vamps sees it and they decide to...