Ian's POV:
Ah today is the day. It's the Vamps concert and I've been waiting for this day all year, since I won South Tyneside College's competition. For the competition, we had to re-create one of The Vamps No.1 songs and I chose Somebody to You. As I love that song. I created the music video at college and e-mailed it in. Then 2 days later, I received an email saying that I won, and the tickets were being emailed to me. The email said I could take a friend so I'm taking my best friend, Jess. Also, we got VIP tickets, plus we also have the meet & greet with The Vamps.
I'm at college, in Media with Jess, and after the lesson is finished, we are going back to Jess' house to get sorted for the night, as I dropped my clothes off when I picked Jess up this morning.
"Right, that's all of today, you can go now, have a good weekend and I will see you on Monday. Also, Ian and Jess, enjoy the concert tonight, take pictures and make sure you tag the college in them the handle is @SouthTyneCollege. You can come back in on Monday if you want or I will see you Tuesday." Jemma, our Media lecturer says.
Jess POV:
Finally, college is over, just got under 3 hours to get ready and head to the concert.
Me and Ian go to the Starbucks at the college and get ourselves an iced latte, and once we have our lattes, we head to Ian's Range Rover, and we drive over to my house to get ready and make sure we have everything.
*3 hours later*
Ian's POV:
Me and Jess have just arrived at Newcastle Arena, we get out, and make sure we have our passes, tickets and our student ID's as we can use it to get drinks etc. for 50% off.
Jess's POV:
Yes! We are here. I'm buzzing as me and Ian love The Vamps. Ian likes James and I like Brad.
We have got our stuff out ready.
We are in the queue for the meet and greet and none of us can stay calm.
Ian's POV:
"Right, you two, go through" the security guard said.
We walk in and are in awe until someone says, "You here for the meet and greet and the concert?" Then I realize it was James.
James POV:
These two teens came in and were in awe, until I said, "You here for the meet and greet and the concert?" And the guy turns around and sees me and he's in shock. He hugs me which I accepted. He asks if he can have a picture with me and the band, I say yes, and he says he could tag me in all of his social media.
Ian PoV:
I give James a hug which he accepts, and I say, "Could I get a pic with you then with you and the band?" He nods and Jess takes the pictures for us. Then I say, "James what's your social media handle so I can tag you in it and follow you?"
"It's @TheVampsJames" James says.
Connor runs up to me and gives me a hug and kiss.
We go into the arena bit ready for the concert.
Jess PoV:
OMG! We've met the Vamps. My phone buzzes with an alert from Twitter, Instagram saying I've been tagged in something, so I checked it.
@Student_Ianz: *picture attached*OMG! I'm at The Vamps concert and I got a photo with James McVey, and I'm dying inside.
With @TheVampsJames, @TheVampsBand, @TheVampsCon, @TheVampsBrad, @TheVampsTristan, @Jess O'Brien
I like it and comment on it saying, "Can't wait."
Then James likes the picture, and he comments," Great to see you guys, have a good night"
Ian's PoV:
*2 hours later*
Wow! The concert was class. Gutted that's it over. Me and Jess get into the car and we drive to Jess house and we hug each other, then I drive to the care home. Yes, it's 11pm and I'm way past my curfew, I hope Josh isn't up as I don't want to be beaten up.
I've had loads of experience with Josh and everyone beating me up. The last one I got, I was in a coma for 4 months so that my body can recover. Connor found out and he wasn't happy and paid for my hospital bills as Josh didn't pay any of the bills and I struggled to pay them until Connor helped me.
The boys don't like Josh as they've heard things about him and he sounds horrible.

Adopted by The Vamps 2021 FanFiction
HumorPlot: Ian goes to The Vamps concert in Newcastle, and goes to a meet & greet with the band, but when he gets back to the care home (where he is until he gets adopted), he gets attacked, and he uploads a Tweet and The Vamps sees it and they decide to...