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'Papa? PAPA?!! You actually bought it?'

I shook my head in doubt.

But he didn't even say anything, he just walked quietly.

Every time he stepped forward, one step at a time, the snow that covered the snowfield melted.

Of course, it wasn't just the snow that melted. It reached the forest and burned a mountainous vegetation that contained trees that had been wielding dry branches.

I looked at the poor tree, which turned to ash in an instant.

'Don't go this way! all the trees will burn out and become ashes!'

However, he doesn't care a bit.

When I saw him indifferent to the world, I felt like I'd rather want to be hallucinating right now than watch all those trees burn.

But it didn't look like I was wrong.

Behind him, seeing that his vassals stunned with their surprised eyes.

"M- My Lord!"

A bewildered vassal called out to him.

But he still continued to walk forward, not caring a bit.

In the meantime, the trees that were standing in the woods were burning.

If he goes this way, he'll definitely destroy the nature.

I pulled his clothes.

Then he looked at me quietly.

The moment he stared at me I quiet down, My innocent eyes asking what was going on were not too calm.

In his gaze, I stretched my hand pointing at the tree.




'Enough already! He should know about the trees!'

But he wasn't looking at me. After seeing that, I quickly teared up.

'Why am I a baby ah! I can't have the mouth to say things directly.'

As my face suffered frustration, he looked at the trees with a look that he did not understand me at all.

Then he lifted his head and looked at the distant horizon for a long time.

Soon after, he nodded as if coming to a conclusion.

"Did your father go there?"


"Or are you the spirit of the tree?"


'what are you saying now?'

Should I give this up already? The head of the words that he couldn't understand understood only a head.

Then suddenly, With a resolute mind, he look at me and pat my head

"Your not alone now, I'm here to protect you"

He said that as he made a sudden leap.

It was neither running nor walking.

He just jump and landed repeatedly.

Then, the landscape changed quickly.

It was a terrifying experience for a baby, but there was no slight hesitation in his body.

It was like, He had never embraced a child properly to do such thing while holding a baby.

Indeed, Ardellos's lord said he was busy trying to practice and subdue every day to hold his son.

The reason he was busy, of course, was largely due to the strong power of the Delde family, who is my father.

My father tried tirelessly to open the door to hell. As a result, the lower demons began to crawl out of the gap.

The demon crawling on the continent devour humans. It was a monster that knows no fear.

The continents fell into a swamp of confusion and despair by the raiders.

Of course, the name of the hero, Devarus, who will protect the continent in a short time, is different from the others.

After thinking about the novel for a moment, I trembled.

After all, I have to run away as soon as I grow up.

When it turned out to be that I was a child born in the territory of Delde, it was evident that I would absolutely take the sword.

The Delde family and friends were killed brutality by Devarus.

By the way, what am I going to do being a Delde? It was only by blood. But, I would still be unfortunate if this is known, they would kill me with a knife.

'I'll be even lucky if I don't get publicly executed in the square.......'

I woke up with on that terrible imagination.

Then his solid hand supported my small body after feeling my sudden trembling.

Little did he know, thanks to the aura surrounding me, my body did not shiver on the cold. But because of imagining terrible future events.

Even the site was incredibly wide, so words were enough to run a day and turn one wheel.

Of course, the Ardellos knights are unlikely to turn in an hour.

I shook my head as I watched a super-class lord.

'Who would see this OP man as a person?'

Maybe I should prepare myself thoroughly when I run away.

While thinking such thoughts, I could see the gorgeous castle of Ardellos from a distance.

The amount of platinum was extravagant, and the shimmering light shining under the sunlight was so beautiful that it could not be to any gems.

Under the pure white arched roof, a tall spire soaring above the sky was located at four corners.

What was surprising was that the lake was sitting in the middle of the castle. The white palace reflected on the lake water created a feeling of watching a fairy tale.

I fell for the mysterious but awesome place as He soon he landed with a light step.



And there goes the 1st part of chapter 3, if there are wrong grammars and some mistranslated words just comment them, so I could correct it. 

Thank you! hope you enjoyed the chapter~

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