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"Are you upset?"

"Don't use it!"

"Yeah, yes."

Well, I have nothing to say.

Looking at Devarus, his bright eyes turned towards me.

He soon grabbed my wrist and led me somewhere.

"Where are you going?" I asked, as he dragged me.

"Let's go to the lake!"

I think we'll play there again. Since today's weather is good,

"By the way, Ar, don't you have class today? Or are you deliberately pretending to be out of class?"

I doubted him,

Devarus was startled at my suspicions.

Then, his cheeks turned red. His skin was pure white, so the redness of his cheeks is too visible.

Soon he stuttered and asked me why.

"W-why so harsh?"



"Because you're so cute!" I responded.

Well, it was true that he was cute.

I mean with his hand on his face trying to rub the redness away? boy, you're just making it a lot cuter~

Going out to relax and play in the lake garden wasn't a bad idea.

Children on his age deserves leisure, though I won't be doing anything special there other than being a nanny.

Devarus is proud of his health cause, he ran like a crazy child in this place. And as always, I sat down in the maid's side and fell into drowsiness, sneaking my head like a sick chicken.

I was weak, so no one said anything on what I was doing.

Rather, he was only worried that his stabilizing agent would disappear after getting sick. It was the same today.

The only difference today was that Devarus wasn't running alone and was sitting quietly next to me,

"haa~." I yawned.

It was only me who couldn't take a nap properly.

Then Devarus came up with something.

"I was so busy doing something alone making this."

It was a flower bracelet that had been crushed to the point and had lost its shape.

"Look at this, isn't it pretty?"

"Yeah, it's pretty."

"...... isn't it?!?"

His big pupil shook finely.

Anyway, I noticed it quickly, and even though it wasn't cool enough, I made an expression like that.

I laughed at him.

okay.. To get a free meal, this is the way to do it.

I pretended to be excited myself.

"Oh!! it's so pretty!"


"Yeah, it's so pretty!!" Laughing slowly,

A smile full of pride slowly showed on Devarus' lips. The mouth slowly drawing lines was struggling.

Of course, even then, hehe, I seemed to have a secret look.

They say they are being taught not to show their expressions these days, but it was the effect.

'Of course, it doesn't seem to have any effect nowadays.'

Why do you get such training in the first place? It was incomprehensible.

In the meantime, it was after a flower bracelet on my wrist. Devarus' face that put it on me was filled with pride.

However, my sentiments were unmatched.

'I can't go take my nap for day.'

There's too much work on hands.

I still have sincerity, so I should at least entertain him and play with him. Thinking like that, it was time to endure drowsiness and drowsiness again.

Someone's footsteps came from behind.

A man caught his eye when he turned to popularity, not time.

The man, dressed in subdued clothes, was tall enough to stand out.

Dark dark blue clothing, boots that reach to the ankle, blond hair that shatters the brilliant gold under the sun, and bright eyes like this lake.

The thick eyebrows and closed mouth were similar to the child next to me.

I remember who he is at first glance.

He was Agnos, the Duke of Ardellos.

Indeed, it was a long-time no see. Whether it was a pretty hard time, it seemed full of fatigue.

The indifferent pupil was questioned.

It was clear that he didn't remember me.

His eyes that didn't even quiver were still indifferent.

'Isn't this the time I'm being kicked out?'

It is a possibility. The last time I saw him was five years ago. Maybe he won't remember the orphan he picked up.

'Well, where is it?'

After a while, I awkwardly called him. It was a trick to recognize that he had brought me.


But he had no answer.

Still my eyes towards me didn't contain any emotion. His Beautiful eyes looked empty. Somewhere in those empty eyes have signs of exhaust.


Raw Provider: _HotSensei_


EDITOR: Shoster12

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