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The Child, who wasn't even named yet, called the Lord her father. Ever since the child said 'Ppa ppa', The lord began to listen and listen.

Imaginary hearts were splashed out by the baby's 'ppa ppa' and laughter, saying that this is better than the ice-cold lord.

This fact was enough for the Ardellos servants to treat the new child good. As a result, rumors about a mysterious baby who manage to live into the castle spread quickly.


On the other hand,

The maids found a way to tame Devarus.

It should have been good news for me too, Now that we have a way to make the polluter stop his crying. But I don't like their way.

Because it was me!

'Sorry but I have no pleasure on doing it.'

The maids would always put me and Devarus on the same bed. It was because they noticed that his cry would stop if I am with him. And their predictions were right!

Honestly it's a remarkable reduction in the frequency of Devarus' cry.


I looked at Devarus with a fickle look. But this weird creature burst out laughing.



I gave him my most proper response.

That was because he would be quiet for a while.

These maids... How come a one-year-old child, like me, has to take care of a baby on the same age?!?

There was a sudden incoming headache as I saw the maids' lovingly stare at us.

I've been having lack of sleep these days.

It wasn't that I hated Devarus. It was just, I'm angry being harmed by that child's behavior!

This guy was abandoning his sleeping duties as a baby! I yawned every minute that I didn't sleep well.

Also! when I sleep, he rolls around alone and then he'll hit me, or cries a hundred times just to wake me up.

And when I woke up and stares at him, I noticed that the gestures were quite intentional, he would stop crying and will eventually smile brightly!

I stared at him, while thinking..

'This sly creature dared to ruin my sleep!'

Even being a baby, I can't deny that he is a handsome baby at first glance. Such was jawline that was not hidden in that small face, eyes, nose, mouth, and chest.

His nose was pointed and his mouth was so cute! Thanks to it, it's quite a view. The problem is that it's all he had.

'hoho~ yeah! I'm going to put up with it.'


I yawned because I really couldn't get a proper sleep. Devarus, who was watching me, titled his head. Soon, he opened his mouth wide and began to speak our unknown language.


Good job! Good job. He gave me a hard time and this time rolled next to me. Then, he lay down next to me quietly.

He had already shivered at least a knee step. Because of that, he stuck out his butt and swept on the floor.

The floor was full of soft cotton dolls so it won't hurt him at all.

Devarus, who was burying his face in it, looked up and stared at me.

Then, he smiled brightly and stuck out a doll.


'huh?' what's this? You want me to keep it?

When I titled my head, he suddenly hit my face with the doll.


This guy! He's picking on me!

'why am I slower than him?!'

I am filled with anger.

As I struggled with my body that couldn't even turn over, the maid who has been watching came and hugged me.

Soon, she scolded Devarus in a friendly voice.

"young master, you can't bully her ah~"


The same time she held me into her arms was also the time when Devarus squeezed a sound from his throat.

Soon, his mouth burst with a loud cry.


The maid was startled by his loud cry. She put me down in a hurry and began to comfort Devarus.

I shouldn't have done it, but I ended up laying beside him again.

I burst out laughing as if comforting him.


"*hick* hiyaaaa"

Only then did the cry died down a little.

If he laugh while crying, you will get horns on your butt, but I don't know why this guy is fine.

*sigh* 'This is hard'

Devarus yawned.

Good boy! get some sleep, so I could sleep too. I yawned over and over again.

Can we get some sleep now?

And, I slowly fell asleep.

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