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A son and his dad sit in front of each other in the Lord's office.

Aganos looked down on his son who looked just like him. They started their conversation with a plain greeting.

"How have you been?"

" ... good."

"Did you do the training properly?"


Devarus' answered his father's questions without care.

Agnos' eyes were indifferent seeing Devarus answering him carelessly and slowly. Soon he made a cold review of his son. It was difficult to think of a conversation between them, and it was a voice that seemed like a frost.

"It seems to me that there is no progress at all."

The monotonous but cold criticism of Aganos made Devarus' shoulders stiff. It has been five years since Aganos returned to the mansion. Besides, five years ago, Devarus was nothing but a baby.

But nothing has changed.

It was hard to accept that Devarus, who endured severe training at his age was criticized this much.

A gloomy voice flowed from Devarus' mouth, which had been tightly closed throughout his father's criticisms.

"Dad doesn't know anything else."

"I do not know?"

"Huh! How young I was......!"

Devarus shouted so much and raised his head to look at his father to face his provocations.

However, Agnos expression was still cool. He looks like a stone with no emotions.

Devarus' body trembled with anger as he couldn't voice his reasons out, facing his father with an expression as if looking at something worthless. Devarus soon got up and faced the door's way.

However, his desire to run outside did not come true. It was because Agnos used Aura to tie his movements.

"sit down."


"Must you start with etiquette training again?"

Agnos eyes were grim. The aura that he made was much as his gaze was also hard to beat. In an instant, the force that held his young son crushed his head.

A faint groan leaked from Devarus' mouth, who tried to stand up against the power.


Devarus body trembled. Soon he couldn't withstand the pressure, and knelt on the floor.

Devarus stubornly resisted the force of trying to crush himself on the floor with bare arms and legs while kneeling.

Agnos, who was watching his son, provoked Devarus again with an empty voice.

"Too weak, what are you? a breeze?"

It was a cold comment.

Devarus thought it was colder than the marble floor he was touching.

Eventually he threw his head on the floor. It was because he knew he wasn't the one to listen to just because he was protesting.

Agnos' harsh voice stuck to Devarus.

"Then make a bet. I heard Lily's statement that night."

Devarus raised his head at his words.

Agnos raised his eyebrows for a moment as if it were unexpected that Devarus, who had just escaped from the pressure of his Aura unexpectedly still has energy.

Tamed The ML's FatherWhere stories live. Discover now