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Doing her best to look elegant as she curtsied to Agnos.

Agnos who actually prepared a greeting, but in the end all he could say was 'cute'.

Lili didn't know how to answer, so she just blinked.

Devarus who was already sitting stood up and walked cooly to her. Then, he leaned to match her height and princess carried her. And put her to her destined chair.

"Lili, so pretty!!"

Now, Lili was seated in an unmatched chair.

Devarus' eyes sparked as he stares to Lili. Agnos, who was watching his son, who almost drooled his mouth.

"That's being rude."

"But the chair is too high for Lili!"

At Devarus' counterattack, Agnos looked at Lili's chair. Certainly, the chair was unmatched for a small child to seat.

This was due to the extraordinary size of the Ardelos family.

No matter how much he wanted to scold his son for being rude to his 'future daughter', he definitely can't turn a blind eye on such important issue! That chair is not for Lili. She might have struggled to go sit up if his son did not notice it.

The face of Agnos who had been thinking of that far hardened. He soon ordered the disputes with a solemn voice.

"Get the craftsman right now! Make children's furniture!"

"Yes, Lord."

The waiting servant left the dining table, bowing his head deeply. But Agnos didn't get out of frustration until food was served as Devarus and Lili chatted.

'I don't deserve to adopt Lili, I couldn't even prevent such troubles for her.'

While he was in deep despair, Devarus saw his chance for another attack to put an end on their bet. Soon after, Devarus, who was convinced, asked Lili in a loud voice.

"Lili, we going to get married? Right?"

At Devarus' question, Lili nodded without hesitation.

"Uh. Lili is marrying Ar."

Hearing Lili's answer, Agnos chopped his steak with tears. It was the toughest and tasteless steak he had ever eaten since he was born. The adoption case turned into a surprisingly trivial year.

I didn't know they were going to make such a bet, but it worked very well. Rather, I was really grateful if it was resolved like this.

'I got my daughter stolen.'



That was tiring! I spent half a day there with Agnos and Devarus. I want to sleep already!

However, my bedroom was not yet provided, there was no room to lie down till the room is provided. It was because Agnos decided to move his room closer to mine, saying it was about safety concerns.

'I'm tired and want to lie down right away.'

I yawned. In the meantime, Devarus who was in a good mood staring to nowhere.

Looking at him with sleepy eyes, he turned to me. Then he looked at me

"Lily, are you sleepy?"


"Well, um, would you like to sleep on my back?"

"On your back?"

What is he talking about, I only blinked at him. Then Devarus nodded with conviction.

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