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He was just passing through a garden near the lake.

Suddenly, a youthful laugh came from the side. It wasn't that easy to hear such sound in the mansion.

Agnos turn his head and saw, Two children happily playing together.

One looked has the same color of his hair and eyes, so his son was clearly identified. But, one was a girl he seemed not to recognize.

'Who's that? Is it a maid's child?

After thinking for a moment, he approached two people with the intention of seeing his son's face.

The maids, who noticed the Lord, hurriedly stood up and bowed their heads.

The children who were playing with each other in a bustling movement turned their heads.

His son looked exactly like him.

But for Agnos, the appearance was just a meaningless combination of muscle and flesh.

All he recognized was that the blood pit was my son and the flesh and blood that would follow the Ardellos Clan.

At that time, Devarus made eye contact with him.

Soon, tears formed in his blue eyes. Shortly thereafter, crying burst out of Devarus' mouth.

Agnos lips started frowning. At the same time, Agnos thought that he shouldn't have come.

"Hey Ar!~ .. Mister?"

Lily's cheerful voice came through the sound of Devarus' cry.

The word 'Mister' tied his feet on the ground. Only then did he look at the strange child.

The light purple eyes like tender petals and her melodious laugh.

Her fingers were cuter than anything he'd saw ever since his son was born.

Soon, a cute smile appeared on her cute face and a healthy blush on her white cheeks.

It's definitely the first time he see her, but thought that he had seen her somewhere.

When he was skimming the child with meaningful eyes, he asked,

"What is it?"

"Long time no see."

The child greeted him quite gently.

A single unshakeable pupil was unclear.

The child's figure put his hand in his other hands. Inside, I felt like something was belching a dragon.

There was an unbearable emotion.

Soon, an interjection popped out of his mouth. It was purely unconscious.

"*cough*, cute...!"

It was since then. Ardellos servants became anxious for Devarus' and the Lord's relationship.


As time passed and the vacancy of the Lord stood out, my position became more ambiguous.

The butler often came over and watched Devarus and me as he sighed.

I wasn't an idiot that I didn't know what's the meaning behind his deep sighs.

Maybe he's thinking about disposing an orphan child who has a questionable existence.

It was the same with the maids.

They tried again and again to separate me from their young master.

Of course, I also wanted to participate in their actions! BUT! The problem was that Devarus never fell from their tricks.

Or should I say, they couldn't say 'no' to a cute creature.


"What? sleep separately?"


"Yeah, we're going to sleep separately from now on."


His trembling pupil asking the reason. However. His nanny, whom was obsessed with deep blue eyes resembling a blue lake, couldn't help but answer.

Of course, it doesn't mean anything, and I think it's his attachment to me that's bothering them, so I also have to do something.

'If you were about six years old, was it time to sleep separately?'

This is an acceptable reason maybe it will work?

As I concluded there, I looked at him with very serious eyes.

"Now I'm older I must sleep to other place."


"Isn't that right now?"


"Um, the other people's eyes are also awkward."

"Other people, who?"

His eyes were persistent. It was a sign that he would not step back

Behind him, a maid who was listening to the conversation between the two of us came with a smile.

Soon she was about to soothe me and appease Devarus.

"Young master, this child might also cause you trouble..."

"Is 'anyone' else you?"


"Did you say this to her?"

The firmness of the eyes stood and never wavered.

Although he is only six years old, he was the next Lord of Ardellos.

With unusual growth and physical ability, he had already begun studying succession.

Now, when Agnos was away, only six-year-old Devarus' remarks had a significant impact.

'The problem is that you're bothering me with that position.'

Ugh. I barely swallowed a sigh to flow to the temple.

Then, on behalf of the maid who started to cry and lose her words.

"I'm sleeping separately."


He looked at me with wounded eyes.

I couldn't figure out why this big one was so weak.

I nodded as I saw him drooping and hanging his eyes like a dog abandoned by the owner.

'aw~ so cute!'

But, No!Today I needed to go a little firmly.

"okay. I'm sleeping alone now."

"Am I annoying?."

"No, it's not that."

However, Devarus didn't back down.

He repeatedly said 'I hate you!' over and over again with a sullen look to the maids.

It was the maids who first took the white flag.

They shook their head, saying it wasn't an urgent problem if we sleep together for a while longer.

Tamed The ML's FatherWhere stories live. Discover now