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"I'm very proud of you, Musa" Miss. Faragonda smiled. "Thanks, but I couldn't have it done it without the Winx" 

"Well, we were arguing so, we weren't much help" Bloom laughed. "I wouldn't have figured out how to find the Divinix power" 

Flora took her phone from her pocket to see my mother calling her. 

"Mom?" Flora asked. 

Flora, thank dragon you answered, somethings very wrong with the east side village people

"What do you mean, what's wrong with them?" Flora asked worried.

They're acting evil towards each other, and the east side nature is fading already

"People shouldn't be fighting right now nor evil; it could be the spell that the Trix most likely did" Tecna said. 

"Mom, the Winx and I are on the way, please stay safe" Flora said then hung up. 

"Winx, you must help Lyphiea--" Miss. Faragonda was saying until a paper formed floating in front of Bloom. 

"Where the great passed leaders once stood with might and iron but you must look inside" 

"What?" Stella asked. "Might and iron?" Aisha asked. "The room of the passed kings swords, that's on Domino" Bloom said. 

"Bloom, Stella, and Aisha head to Domino while Stella, Tecna and Musa head to Lyphiea" Miss. Faragonda said 

With Bloom, Stella, and Aisha 

The trio walked up to the Palace doors and the guards opened them up. "Bloom, darling" Bloom's mother hugged her. 

"We heard what's happening to Lyphiea" Her father said. "Yes, father we need to go to the room of Past Rulers Swords" 

Oritel nodded and the five walked deep in the Palace to a door that had a weird key lock. 

"This is the place?" Stella asked. "Yes, passed rulers swords have strong magic and the ruling King must protect them, so my sword is the key" Oritel explained and put his sword in the sword key hole and the door glowed and opened. 

Aisha, Stella, Bloom, even Marian were shocked at how many swords stood up along the walls. 

"How do we find it now?" Bloom whispered. "We're in the might and iron room" Aisha said. 

Outside Domino in the sky 

"Sisters, Bloom, Stella, and Aisha are on Domino, also destroy the others when they get to Lyphiea" Icy told her sisters from her window mirror. 

"I love the fighting, will do" Stormy said. Icy pulled up Aisha, Bloom, and Stella and watched as the king opened a door. 

"Hmm... the Swords of Past rulers..." Icy smirked and flew down to the Palace doors. 

"Stop there witch!" Guard 1 yelled. Icy chuckled and hit them with an ice shard and their eyes turned a gray color. 

"Take me to the Sword room" 

"Yes, mistress" Guard 2 said and they opened the doors. 

"Why hello there" Icy laughed and lifted her right arm. 

With Bloom, Stella, and Aisha

"The paper also said but you must look inside, what does that mean?" Aisha asked. "No clue" Stella sighed. 

"Why hello there" Icy laughed and lifted her right arm.

"Icy!?" Bloom yelled. Icy shot an ice dart at Marian and Oritel. "Mother, father!" Bloom yelled. "Mistress" Marian and Oritel said under her spell. 

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