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"You look so beautiful, Stella dear" Said Luna, Stella's mother as she entered the room. "Mommy, why are you here?" Stella asked. "Well...I have met someone new, he's very sweet, and kind, I know your going to feel sad Stella baby" Luna said to her daughter. Stella went back into her normal outfit and her frisbee disappered. 

"As long as your happy" Stella weakly smiled and hugged her mother. "Daddy, mommy, I'm sorry but we need to head back to Alfea, I love you" Stella smiled as she made a portal. "Bye darling" Luna smiled. 

Musa, Aisha, and Stella portaled back to Alfea in their dorm. 

"Did you find it?" Flora asked as she put the book of Divinix down. "Yes" Stella formed her Divinix object. 

"Nice" Bloom smiled. "Where's Tecna?" Musa asked. "Oh her computer, I think" Bloom said. "Winx, your back" Tecna came out with a piece of paper. 

"Hundreds at once, connected at once" Tecna read. "What?" Aisha asked. "Hundreds at once, connected at once, doesn't ring anything for me" Flora said. 

Flora took the book and started looking for any clues. "Maybe, we should take to Miss. Faragonda" Tecna said. "Yeah" Bloom said. 

"Hundreds at once, connected at once" Miss. Faragonda read. "We have no clue what that means" Sighed Aisha. 

"Hundreds" Tecna whispered. "What was that Tecna?" Musa asked. "Hundreds, a number" Tecna gasped. 

"How did I not know, in Zenith deep under the Palace there are many, hundreds of electric ropes that connect at once creating all the controls for everything and everyone at, ONCE!" 

"Would have never thought about that" Miss. G said. "Bloom, Aisha, and I will head to Zenith, you girls stay here in case" 

"You got it" 

"Aisha, your Divinix power of the Trident is the strength and Stella your Divinix power of the Frisbee is wind and light" Miss. Faragonda said before Aisha left. 

"Lets go" Tecna formed a portal and Bloom, Aisha, and Tecna went inside and the room turned green, purple, and then filled with snow, and a Palace in the distance and many homes. 

Their nice summer outfits changed into snow outfits. "Lets head to the Palace and ask the king" Tecna said. 

"My king, Tecna and her friends are here asking for you" Said the royal guard to the king. "Let them in" 

"Your highness" The three smiled. "How can I help you?" He asked. 

"The deep under room of the Place; Hundreds at once, connected at once" Tecna said. "We need to head down their and try and find the Divinix power, sire" Tecna said. 

"Of course, I heard of why you need it, go ahead" He formed the portal from his sword. 

"Thank you, sire" Bloom smiled and they walked into the deep under room. 

"Woah" Aisha gasped at all the electric ropes and in the center a ball of pure energy. 

"This is the core of Zenith basically" Tecna said. "It's so cool" Bloom said. Tecna looked up and a Location Crystal flew into her hands. 

"Location Crystal please show me where the Divinix power is" Tecna asked and the crystal flew up and disappered. 

"It's in here, but where, I see no objects here" Aisha said. 

"Be careful of the ropes, girls" Tecna said as they walked around. 

Suddenly a rope started shocking then snapped. "Look out!" Bloom said to Tecna. 

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