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"Hidden in the deep woods of Lyphiea" 

"The deep woods?" Aisha asked. "The deep woods are the longest and biggest place on woods on Lyphiea, it's so beautiful there but now that nature is dying, it won't be that nice of a fly by" Flora said. 

"We have to go, Lyphiea is almost dead" Musa said. "I know, lets go it's this way" Flora said as the six flew up and followed Flora. 

With the Trix 

"Flora's going to find the last stupid object to save her world soon" Groaned Stormy. "Don't worry, they'll never make it out" Darcy smirked as she folded her right leg over her left as she sat down and smirked. 

"What did you do sister?" Icy asked confused. "That stupid forest was so magical, ugh, once it started dying, I made sure that place would be where nightmares form; I basically have shadow monsters around and total control over that forest" 

"They won't stand a chance" Chuckled Darcy. 

With the Winx

The Winx flew down to the ground to see trees, some fallen, some still up but without leaves. There was a clear fog inside the woods. 

"Creepy much?" Stella said. "This place" Flora gasped. "It's worse than I ever thought" Flora said sadly. 

"How deep does this forest go?" Aisha asked. "Well...it's a deep forest, mainly paths and parks but now" 

"The clue said deep in the woods" Musa said. 

"I need to find the last object" Flora said as she started walking into the creepy, misty, woods. 

"Don't forget about us" Bloom said as she walked up next to Flora. The six walked into the woods. 

As they walked in it became darker. "Light" Stella made her Frisbee glow a white, golden color so they could see. 

"It's so...dark" Musa said. "I know, I can't feel any nature" Flora said as she touched a fallen tree. 

Behind the Winx a fallen tree transformed into a huge dark, tree monster. 

"This is horrible" Aisha said. "This is what will happen to other worlds" Tecna said. "We won't that happen" Bloom said. 

A small light formed in front of Flora; a crystal. "Location crystal can you please show me where the Divinix power is?" Flora asked it and it flew off to a lake. 

"Is it in the lake?" Aisha asked. "I don't think so" Musa said. "Um, girls?" Stella said. "What Stella?" Flora asked. The Winx turned where Stella was to see a dark tree monster walked towards them. 

"This is clearly dark magic" Flora said. The Winx flew up. "Flora, go and find the object we'll handle him!" Bloom said. 

"Strike Point!" Bloom raised her sword and pointed it at the tree monster and an attack flew out hitting the monster down but it got back up. 

"My turn" Stella raised her frisbee with her right arm. "Total Light!" 

She blinded the monster only for a few seconds. 

It roared loudly. Out of no-where there was a green mist that went behind the 5 girls. Bloom coughed. "My wings...what's happening?" 

"This is pollen; dark pollen" Tecna said. "My wings feel like weights" Musa said weak. 

The five fell to their knees, weak. More tree monsters came around the 5 when a cage of dark purple caged them in. 

"Thunder Rain" Aisha raised her hand and blasted the cage but it did no damage. "My magic is so weak" Aisha said. 

"The Trix did this, no doubt" Stella said. 

With Flora

Flora turned as she saw her friends start fighting the one tree monster. She flew over to the lake. She looked all over, she flew down to the ground and looked harder. 

"There's nothing here, where is it?" She whispered. Her eyes wandered to objects in the lake, swimming floats, etc. 

Flora gasped as she was hit into the lake. She flew up to see a tree monster. "Petal attack!" Flora attacked the monster. It roared. 

"Wanna play rough, hmm?" 

"Nature Kick!" She raised her right leg and swung it at the monster knocking it down but it stood back up. 

"Vines!" She made vines wrap around it. It roared loudly trying to break free. "That's what you get" Flora smirked. 

She gasped as she saw her friends fall to the ground. "No!" Flora flew and saw a purple cage form around them. 

"Winx!" She yelled. "Wrapping Ivy!" She blasted the cage but it took in her attack and use dit against her.

Flora was hit to the ground. She groaned sitting up. Her eyes looked to her left hand touching a branch. It wasn't dead, it was alive. "What" She whispered. 

"How are you alive?" She asked. Flora flew up. "Gift of Nature!" She yelled lifting the branch up using it's life inside to boost her powers. 

A small wave of warmth flew around breaking the purple cage, turning the tree monsters back into trees. 

The branch grew into a staff and it turned golden with a green gem on top with two green ribbons circling to the bottom, and a pair of green wings on it. 

It then glowed a golden, green color along with Flora. 

She earned Divinix (I don't own this picture!!!!!!!!)

She earned Divinix (I don't own this picture!!!!!!!!)

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Flora flew down to her friends. "Flora?" Musa asked still weak. "Hug of Petals" Flora said and her staff glowed a pink and pink, purple, and green petals formed circling the Winx, healing them. 

"You found it and got Divinix!" Stella smiled and hugged Flora. "We can now cave Lyphiea" Flora smiled. 

"Not on our watch" The Trix yelled. "Back off!" Aisha yelled. "No, we will destroy your stupid toys and we will rule!" Stormy yelled. 

The Winx flew up head to head with the Trix. "Well the, you first" Flora yelled to them. 


Hey ya'll so first off sorry I haven't updated; I just had surgery and needed a few days until I felt better to start getting back to writing, I hope you like this chapter! Took me long enough to find a good idea for Flora!!!!

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