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"Musa, Bloom you have both earned Divinix, your powers are now even stronger" Miss. Faragonda said while sitting at her desk.

Stella, Flora, Aisha, and Tecna were all in the gym practicing. 

"The Divinix power of the Harp is Harmony, and the Divinix power of the sword is might, I started studying the book about Divinix and it seems once all six elements have been united you will be able to heal a dying world or a dead world" Miss. Faragonda finished. 

"You found a book?" Bloom asked. "Yes, Miss. G did actually, here" Miss. Faragonda handed the book to Bloom when Miss. Faragonda's office doors opened and the other Winx entered. 

"We got another clue" Tecna said. "What does it say?" Musa asked. 

Aisha spoke, "Deep under where air is in the depths" 

"I have no idea what it means" Flora said along with Tecna, Stella, Flora, and Aisha. 

"Same" Musa said then sighed. Bloom took the book and flipped through the pages until she saw a picture of a cave that was underwater. 

"I think this might be it" Bloom showed them. "Wait, why is the Cave of Nightmare in a book, and what is this book?" Aisha asked. 

"The Divinix book, Miss. G found it" Bloom said. "What's the Cave of Nightmare?" Stella asked. 

Aisha sighed. "It's on Andros, but the thing with this cave is that, a mermaid fairy, lived in there but she turned evil and her home; the cave, became a nightmare, and anyone who went in never came back, people still think her spirit is lurking there" 

"Creepy, but that's the clue, so we need to go" Flora said. "No, Winx, I will not let you follow me into that cave" 

"Aisha, we handled more deadly things before" Tecna said. "I know, but I fear something bad will happen to you and plus what happens with the Trix attack again?" Aisha asked. 

"Okay, Musa stay here with the others and I'll head with Aisha" Bloom said. "Okay, we can go to Lyphiea to help the Queen right now" Flora said. 

Aisha shot a blue beam from her hand and a blue portal opened. Aisha and Bloom walked into the portal and the room became blue, and white then it was filled with a beach, ocean, and a Palace. 

"Ready?" Aisha asked Bloom. "Always" Bloom said. "Aisha Bloomix!" 

Bloom formed her sword and raised it up, "Bloom Divinix!" 

"Water Breathe!" Aisha put a spell on Bloom and her so their wings would be faster. 

"So, where is the cave exactly?" Bloom asked. "All the way down" Aisha said. 

"Fire light" Bloom formed a small light to see as they both got deeper in the dark. 

"Here's the cave" Aisha pointed. "Lets go" Bloom said as they both swam in. 

They swam into the cave and they both fell to the ground. "Ow" Bloom said. "This cave holds air, it's weird but hey magic" Aisha said. 

Aisha and Bloom both got up and started slowly walked when a crystal appeared. "A location crystal" Aisha gasped. 

"Location crystal please show me where the Divinix power is" Aisha said and the crystal floated over to the open cave which was filled with jewels, etc. 

"Wow" The two girls gasped. "So it's here, but where?" Aisha whispered to herself. "Looks like that story is true with all these lost necklaces" 

Behind a wall of the cave a black cloud watched the two as they looked around. The cloud growled softly and punched the walls and creaked the roof above the two. 

"Did you feel that?" Bloom asked. "Yeah, what--" 

The roof above started to break. "Flaming Barrier!" Bloom formed a shield from her sword protecting them from the rocks. 

"What could have caused that?" Aisha asked. "Me" Said a deep womanly voice. Bloom kept the shield up as the black could flew in and formed a ghostly mermaid fairy. "Nobody learns, this is my cave not yours" 

"We aren't here to do anything to your cave" Aisha said. "Really? Then why you here?" The mermaid fairy ghost asked. 

"Don't say anything, she's trying to get us to say why" Bloom said. "Yeah, sorry can't tell you" 

"Fine then" The mermaid fairy ghost growled and hissed and disappered and the cave started shaking. 

"Aisha, we have to leave!" Bloom said still trying to hold the shield up. "Lets go!" Aisha yelled right as Bloom's right arm holding her sword fell, tired. 

"You are never leaving, alive" The dark voice echoed throughout the cave. 

"Yes, we will" Aisha said. Just then as Bloom and Aisha were about to fly out, rocks blocked them. 

"We're trapped" Bloom gasped. Aisha looked around and saw in the jewels there was a three pieces of a trident laying around. 

Aisha flew and grabbed all three. 

"Aisha" Bloom asked. Aisha placed them all in order and the three glowed and formed a trident glowing a gold, and teal. 

The glowing faded and the trident was gold with some teal. Aisha grabbed it, "Trident, I command you, water come to me!" Aisha said and water started coming thought the rocks and blasted the rocks away. 

"Shield!" Bloom shielded them both from the flying rocks. "You did it!" Bloom smiled. The cave was now filled of water. Aisha gasped as she glowed a gold and teal. 

She earned Divinix (I don't own this picture!!!!!!!)

She earned Divinix (I don't own this picture!!!!!!!)

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