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With Flora, Musa, Tecna, and Stella

"Hello, Winx" The Queen smiled. "Hello, we're here to help in anyway" Flora spoke. "From what I can gather from what the guards say, the east is dying faster than before, flowers are turning into ash, small trees are falling and also turning into ash" The Queen sighed. 

"What could have done this?" She asked. "The Trix with a spell that is killing the core; we're trying to get Divinix, we can heal a dead or dying world with it" Stella said. 

"That's good to know, follow me" The Queen said lifting her green, light pink floor dress up and walked to a door guarded by two guards. 

She nodded and the guards opened the doors. The Winx (Expect Bloom and Aisha) gasped as they saw loads of people, beds, and more. 

"These are the east side village people, I evacuated the whole village, because of you know" The Queen said. 

"This is so kind of you" Musa said. "Thank you, my dear, their all scared, clearly, I'm doing my best along with my daughter, Krystal, helping them" 

"I have an idea" Musa smiled. She formed her harp and slowly played a tune, a calming sound. She hummed the song along. 

The kids in the room smiled at the beauty of the harp's music. All the people clapped. "That was so calm, thank you, made me forget about what's happening" Said an adult to Musa. 

"It was my mothers song she sang to me" Musa smiled. "I love your talent, Musa!" A little girl smiled. 

Stella smiled and did one small clap and sparkles of light fell down to the huge room. 

"So pretty!"


Flora waved her hand a petals fell also. 

Tecna formed cool shapes changing in the air. 

Everyone clapped and the kids laughed and giggled. 

Outside of the Palace

"The Winx, how dare they make those villagers feel happy, ugh" Stormy groaned. "They shouldn't be happy in a time like this" Darcy said. 

"Sisters, lets make them feel a bit scared" Icy smirked. Stormy chuckled and started glowing a purplely red. 

Her eyes turned white and suddenly lighting blasted out of her hitting the Palace walls and windows. 

Wind blew and rain started pouring into the Palace. Her eyes turned back to normal. "Take that, haha!" Stormy laughed. 

"Total chaos!" Darcy formed a dark purple barrier around the Palace. "Dark creatures of the night, Arise!" Darcy said as her eyes turned white then back to normal. 

"There are now dark monsters heading for the Winx and the stupid villagers, let the fear begin" Laughed Icy. 

Inside the Palace

The Winx all started talking with the people, helping them, Flora even started making her calming tea to help them when suddenly the windows shattered and the walls creaked. 

"AHH!" Yelled people as lighting hit the top walls of the room. "Girls!" Stella yelled. Everyone was screaming, the kids crying in fear. 

"My Queen, dark creatures have entered the Palace" The two guards said coming in from guarding the door. 

"The Trix, they're trying to make the people have fear" Tecna said. "My Queen, it's the Trix, Musa and I will go and find them, Tecna and Flora stay here" Stella said. 

"Stella Bloomix!"

Musa formed her harp again "Musa Divinix!" The two flew up and out the shattered windows. 

Outside the Palace

"Oh sisters look" Groaned Icy as Stella and Musa flew out. "How could you" Stella hissed annoyed. 

"Well, the people shouldn't be happy right now" Darcy coked on her laughter. "Shining Ray!" Stella threw her attack at Stormy. 

"So last season, blondely!" Stormy grabbed the attack. "How did they get so powerful?" Stella gasped. "The spell, it's killing the core which is making them stronger!" Said Aisha as she flew up with Bloom. 

"You got Divinix!" Musa smiled. "Yeah, that's right, Trix enough with this!" Bloom yelled. Bloom and Aisha flew next to Stella and Musa. 

"How did you know about this?!" Icy growled angrily. "Miss. Faragonda, duh" Aisha said. 

Aisha raised her Trident up and it glowed a teal color. "Rain Blast!" Aisha formed clouds and took in the rain and pointed it at the Trix. 

She shot the spell right towards the Trix. 

"We'll be back!" Darcy eyed the Winx and disappered in lighting. 

"They destroyed the Palace windows and broke some of the walls" Musa gasped. 

"Here, lets convergence" Bloom said as she flew up and raised her sword. Musa lifted her harp up with her right hand. Aisha raised her Trident. 

"Divinix Convergence, heal the Palace which was destroyed!" The tree said at the same time and the windows formed back to normal, the cracked walls were back to normal and everything the Trix blasted was back to normal. 

 "Lets go back inside" Musa said and the four un-transformed and walked into the Palace. 

"Thank you girls so much" The Queen told them. "Of course, your highness" Stella smiled. 

"Bloom, Aisha! Your okay!" Flora smiled. 

"Did you get, Divinix?" Tecna asked. "Yes!" Aisha formed her Trident. "Wow, so nice" 

"Thank you Winx for everything" The Queen thanked them. 

"We should head back to Alfea" Bloom said. 


Thank you so much 

@PrincessAurora07 and @Dance4life247

I didn't plan on continuing this this story after the first chapter, butttttt they changed my mind, thanks a lot <3 

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