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The Winx were all sitting in their dorm reading about Divinix. "It says the Trident has the power to change weather and control water" Aisha read. "That's awesome" Flora said. 

Aisha flipped through the pages more reading about Divinix. 

Just then Stella came from her room holding a piece of paper. "What's that Stel?" Bloom asked. "Another clue; Where the brightest shine, together" Stella read. 

"Where the brightest shine, together? What in the dragon does that mean?" Musa asked. "No idea" 

Then there was silence. "Hmm...there's a secret room on Solaria filled with light aka the sun room, that where the brightest shine, the two suns" Stella said. "Maybe... we should go" Aisha said standing up. 

"Wait, Aisha, Musa, Stella head to Solaria and Tecna, Flora, and I will stay in case the Trix attack again" Bloom said. 

"Alright" Musa said. Stella snapped her fingers and a yellow, white portal opened. The three walked in and the room became yellow and then filled into trees, a path and the Palace. 

"Lets go" Stella said. 

Stella, Aisha, and Musa walked up to the Palace doors. "Hello, Princess Stella" Said a guard. They opened the doors to the Palace. 

Stella's father, King Radius was sitting on his throne signing papers and talking with the head guard. 

"Daddy?" Stella asked. "Stella, darling why are you here?" He asked still looking down at the papers. 

"Aisha, Musa, and I need to head to the sun room" Stella said. "Stella" He started and looked up at his daughter. 

"That room is off limits, no one can go in expect me" He said stern. "With all due respect your highness, we are looking more the Divinix power, it's in that room, we need the power to save Lyphiea" Aisha said. 

"Princess Aisha, I respect you telling me this but no, I'm to busy for this right now" He started, "Go back to Alfea, please, I'm way to busy" He said. 

"Daddy, the world is counting on us, if we don't save Lyphiea soon, all nature life will die, even on earth, and Solaria's beautiful nature will die, please" Stella said standing up to her father. 

"Stella, my daughter, your just like your mother, you never give up on what you need, but if something happens to the suns--"

"Dad! Stop thinking about your life source and let us go in the room!" Stella said stern and angry. 

Radius lifted his head at his angry daughter. "Don't you dare get angry with me, Stella" 

"Guards please take Stella and her friends out of the throne room, I'm to busy for them" He said. 

"Girls, lets head to my room" Stella said as they walked away. "My dad is so selfish!" Stella said sadly. 

"He's worried about the suns, he never listens to me" She sighed. "We'll find a way" Musa said. 

"Wait" Stella said. "Where the brightest shine, together" Stella gasped. "Hold hands, together" 

Aisha and Musa looked confused. "Trust me" 

The three held hands in a circle. "Sun of Solaria!" Stella said and Aisha and Musa glowed along with Stella and suddenly a crystal appeared above them. 

They smiled. "We had to shine together" Stella said. "Location Crystal please show me where the Divinix power is" Stella said and it flew off to a room not the sun room, but the King's chambers. 

"Should we?" Musa asked. Stella opened the door and they walked in. Stella slowly walked around, then something caught her eye. 

She picked it up. "What's that?" Musa asked. "My old Frisbee; my dad and I would play together out in the courtyard when I was younger, he got rid of all my old toys when I turned 14 since I was to 'old' to play with toys because I had to focus on being  a Princess and he got more focused on being a king" 

"I miss him; my old daddy before I turned 14" 

"Stel" Musa said placing her hand on her shoulder. "I have an idea" Aisha said. 

Radius just finished signing all the papers when a frisbee flew across. He went wide eyed as he grabbed it. 

"Stella's old frisbee" He said and a little smile appeared. He sighed. "I do miss that little Stella" 

"Really?" Stella said walking to her father. "You went in my room?" He asked. "Well that's where the crystal took us to" 

"I thought you got rid of all my old toys" 

"Well" He said and got up and walked farther away and threw the frisbee to Stella. She caught it. 

Right then the frisbee glowed a orange golden color and it became a circle with a small golden jewel in the middle. 

"That's the Divinix power?" He asked. "Yes, it was in my old frisbee, the clue girls, was, together" 

The frisbee glowed and did Stella

She earned Divinix (I don't own this picture!!!!!!!)

She earned Divinix (I don't own this picture!!!!!!!)

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Decided to make another chapter today; planned on doing to tomorrow but whatever! <3

Hope your all enjoying this book!!!

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