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With Musa, Stella, and Flora

The three were sitting in their dorm, talking waiting for Aisha, Bloom, and Tecna to come back. 

Musa was playing her music listening to music through her headphones. Stella was on her phone and Flora was watering her plants when she came running out. 

"Flo?" Asked Stella. 

"Millie just called me, Lyphiea is dying faster, it only has a few hours left, two other villages are gone, West and North" Flora said scared. 

"How is that possible?" Musa asked taking her headphones off. "I don't know, we have to get there and fast" Flora said. 

"Alright, lets go" 

Flora formed and portal and the three left to Lyphiea. 

The three appeared at Flora's house but was shocked to see the land was dead, trees fallen over, the grass was a dead yellow color. 

"No" Flora gasped. Her house was made from natural resources, like old trees and leaves. Her house was gone. 

"Millie? Mom? Dad?!" Flora yelled. "Their at the Palace, right?" Stella asked. "I hope so" Flora said. 

"My world, its almost dead" 

"How did it start dying faster?" Musa asked. "Maybe because of us" Laughed a voice belonging to Icy. 

Musa, Stella, and Flora got in a fighting stand. "How could you?!" Flora yelled. Icy chuckled then Darcy and Stormy appeared. 

"Awe, so sad" Darcy said 'sadly'. 

Stella formed her Frisbee, "Stella Divinix!" 

Musa formed her Harp, "Musa Divinix!" 

"Flora Bloomix!"

The three flew up to the Trix. "Ice Blast!" Icy blasted towards Musa. "Melody Barrier!" Musa formed a red, purple shield. 

"Total Blackness!" Darcy threw at Stella. "Light Wind!" Stella raised her Frisbee and blasted a wave of wind and light sending Darcy's spell right back at her. 

"I can't see!" "Ugh!" 

"Ha ha, with your own spell" Stella folded her arms and laughed. 

"Dark Rain!" Stormy blasted her attack towards Flora. "Nature Barrier!" But Stormy' s attack didn't even stop, Flora was blasted down to the ground. 

"Awe, fairy of nature getting weak" Stormy laughed. "Flora" Musa yelled. "Lighting Cage!" Stormy threw her cage at Musa and sent her to the grass in a barrier of lighting. 

"Musa!" Stella gasped. 

"Cage of Ice!" Icy blasted Stella to the ground and ice formed around Stella, trapping her. "No!" Flora said weak. 

"Blizzard!" Icy yelled. 

"Thunder Storm!" Stormy yelled. 

The spell on Darcy wore off, "Darkness Control!" 

They combined their spell and threw it at Flora but just then some jumped in front holding back their spell. 

A purple rope flew around the Trix and trapped them together. "Ow!" Icy yelled. 

"Flo, you alright?" Bloom asked as the Trix spell was stopped. "Yeah" Flora stood weak. "Water!" Aisha blasted the lighting cage holding Musa, destroying the spell. 

"Flame Arrow!" Bloom shot an flame arrow at the ice cage holding Stella. "Thanks, girls" 

"You'll regret this" The Trix disappered. "You girls okay?" Aisha asked. "Thanks for the help" Musa said. 

"Flora?" Tecna asked. Flora was standing but fell to her knees. "Lyphiea is so weak, it's making me weak" 

"Winx, we only has 23 hours left till Lyphiea is done, and other world will start to decay" Tecna gasped. 

"I need to find the last Divinix object" Flora said. "Your to weak" Aisha said. "Healing of the sword" Bloom placed her right hand on Flora's forehead. 

"I feel a bit stronger, thanks Bloom" 

Flora walked towards her home. "I can't let other worlds fall too" 

"We won't let that happen" Stella said. Flora walked inside when a paper appeared. 

Flora read it aloud, "Hidden in the deep woods of Lyphiea" 

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