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"Icicle Shards!" Icy blasted small shards of ice at the Winx. "Flaming Barrier!" The ice shards melted right when they hit. 

"Acid Rain!" Stormy glowed a dark green and blasted it at Aisha and Musa. "Acid Rain, at my command stop!" Aisha lifted her Trident stopping Stormy's attack. "Musical Notes!" Musa shot an attack at Darcy. 

"Dark Protection" Darcy formed an 'X' with her arms shielding herself. "Fire Arrow!" Bloom took her attack and threw it at Icy. 

"Blizzard!" Icy frose Bloom's fire attack but the flame spell melted the ice and hit Icy to the ground. 

"Electric Dart!" Tecna hit Stormy into a tall tree. "Blinding Light!" Stella blasted Darcy to the ground as well. 

"Ivy Vines!" Flora closed her eyes forming vines around Icy and Darcy caging them to the ground. 

"No, you won't win!" Stormy yelled. "Thunder storm!" Storym blasted lighting, wind, and rain at the Winx. 

"Wind Ray!" Stella threw her frisbee and Stormy's attack hit herself instead. 

Icy on the ground tied and trapped by vines, "They won't save Lyphiea!" She glowed a white and destroyed the vines and freed Darcy as they flew up. 

"Frostbite!!" Icy yelled and she glowed more white. 

"We need to heal Lyphiea, now! Only 10 minutes left!" Tecna said. 

"Barrier of Fire!" Bloom formed a shield around all of them. 

"Might of the Sword!" She raised her sword up. 

"Strength of the Trident!" Aisha raised her Trident up. 

"Electricity of the Shock Rope!" Tecna raised it up. 

"Harmony of the Harp!" Musa lifted her harp up with her right arm. 

"Wind and Light of the Frisbee!" She lifted it up with her left arm. 

"Healing of the Staff!" Flora raised her staff. 

"NO!" Darcy yelled. The fire barrier fell down. The Winx objects floated up out of their hands. 

Icy opened her eyes and blasted her ice at the objects. The objects started growing ice and all of them were frozen. 

"No!" Yelled Stella. "Shatter?" Icy snapped her fingers and the objects were now in pieces. "We won!" The Trix laughed. 

"Never!" Bloom said. Suddenly out of no where a golden glow formed with green sparkles from where the objects where. 

"What is this?!" Darcy yelled. The sparkles with the golden glow formed into a woman with long green hair, like grass with looked like flowers in her hair, and a long misty green dress. 

She opened her eyes. "Winx, I am the Spirit of Lyphiea, the spell these witches cased put me in a deep sleep and I couldn't protect Lyphiea's core, but your Divinix magic was strong enough to break their spell and now" She smiled and said soft. 

She raised her hands up and a wave of green, warmth, water, and life flew out of her. "Your truly special fairies, Winx" She said as she disappered. 

Then suddenly a blinding light blasted and the Winx and Trix watched as all the dead plants turned back to life, trees fallen formed back up. The lake was now it's crystal glow. 

Lyphiea was back to life. "We almost destroyed Lyphiea!" Stormy hissed. "You will never!" Flora said. 

"Leave, now!" Bloom yelled. "Fine...but wait! Frozen Heart!" Icy shot a small dart at Flora in the head. 

The Trix laughed and disappered in lighting and smoke. Flora's coffee hair started turning white and then ice. 

"Flo?" Musa asked. Flora's wings froze and she couldn't fly. "I can't fly" She said. Aisha and Stella flew to the ground helping Flora. 

Flora's feet then legs started turning to ice. "Her spell is turning me into an ice statue" Flora said. The ice reached her chest. 

"No, Flame Warmth" Bloom tried stopping the ice but it didn't stop. The ice reached her face. "No, Flora" Tecan begged. 

"Somehow, I'll be with you again, you'll find a way" Flora said before the ice covered her mouth, freezing it shut.   

Her eyes watered then ice froze over. Flora was complete, ice. 

...TO BE CONTUINED... on Saving Flora

Hey guys! So this chapter is feels for me, I'll be making a second book where clearly the Winx will try and find a way to un freeze Flora, I hope you like this 'part' of the story, I'll have 'Saving Flora' chapter 1 out soon I hope, I hope you look forward to it as much as I do writing it!!! Till the next time, love ya'll!!😊❤

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