~ Epilogue ~

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Words can change peoples views on life. And those people learn new things.

That things change.

Ark sat at the meet-up point, waiting for the Watcher to come check up on him and the server.
Never would he have thought that he'd become something that he hated.

And friends leave.

Some kept looking after Grian disappeared. Some moved on. Others mourned.
Mumbo sat and tried to rid the cloud of despair that hovered above him.
Xisuma tried to figure out everything and comfort everyone, while Ark watched his friends live their lives differently.

Life doesn't stop for anyone.

They say that fate is written in stone, that you can't stop the future. You can try to change the future, because you think that all the bad things are happening to you. And only you. But you can't.

Others think that everything happens for a reason, but, in reality, no one knows what will happen.

No one has control. And those who do think they do, are doomed to be controlled themselves.

Who knew the war between Watchers and Admins would resurface.
And who knew who would win.

Sure, some believe that there are reasons, and some live without reason, but only a few are gifted with the knowledge that there are no reasons to anything. That nothing can be stopped. 

And that's because life is out of your control.

Out of Your Control - a Hermitcraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now