~ Chapter 13 ~

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Grian woke up, only to be pulled back onto the bed.

"Mmf, Mumbo!" Grian laughed, trying to get up. "I'm hungry!"

"Sleeep," he replied, ignoring Grian's attempts to escape. "C'mon, stay a bit longer?" he asked, sitting up as well.

"Haha! You're up, now let's go! Eat!" Grian said triumphantly. As much as he wanted to stay in bed, he needed food.
He practically dragged Mumbo out of bed and down the stairs to the kitchen, but they were stopped by Xisuma.

"Yes, you can get food, but, please, stay in your rooms. I can't risk losing anyone else." He looked at them curiously, seeing as they were holding hands, but shrugged it off.

"Come on, we need to get food for Iskall as well," Grian pointed out, smiling at the fact that the swede was still asleep. He pulled Mumbo back up the stairs after grabbing a box of cereal, a bag of chips and some water.
Grian put the snacks on the desk, while Mumbo was tasked with waking up Iskall. After about thirty minutes, of poking and shaking Iskall, he finally woke up.

"Whyyyy, I was happyyyy," he grouched, throwing a pillow at them.

"Oh, it's on," Grian said, grabbing his own pillow and fighting back. And hitting Mumbo a couple times.

"Hey! I thought you said you loved me," he whined, ducking below another pillow.

"All's fair in love and war, baby," Grian giggled, tackling him to the ground. "And honestly, I'm surprised that no one's come to check out the racket we're making."

"Because most people like to sleep in," Iskall pointed out, watching Mumbo try to get up.

"Ooh! Iskall catch!" Grian leapt off mumbo, ran to the desk and threw a cheerio at Iskall, which bounced off his mechanical eye.

"Oi! That didn't count, I wasn't ready!"

"That's exactly the point," Grian said, chucking another cheerio. Surprisingly, Iskall was pretty bad at catching them, even though he had good reflexes. "Mumbo, your turn!" It was equally hard for Mumbo and, about twenty tries later, almost all the cheerios that Grian threw were stuck in his moustache.

"If we're not careful, all of the food's going to be gone," Iskall pointed out, raising the box out of Grian's reach. "So, shorty, no more food fights."

"Oh come on!" Grian pouted, crossing his arms.

"Well, while you two fight over the food, I have to use the bathroom," Mumbo excused himself, backing towards the door.

"Okay," Iskall said, glancing at Grian, who was valiantly trying to reach the food. "No promises that the food will be here when you get back, though." 

"Oh, that's for sure, I ain't giving up," Grian said, smiling mischievously at Mumbo. He continued to fight Iskall for the cereal, by any means necessary, including climbing on top of the dresser. 

Five minutes passed. Ten minutes turned into fifteen and Grian was starting to cry, while Iskall went to go check on Mumbo. I-if he's gone... I only just told him-


He didn't need to look up to see who it was, or to know whether it was bad news. He got up, pushed past the hermit, who tried to stop him from going to see what happened.
Only a few others stood outside their doors, but most people were still in their rooms. X tried to stop him for entering, but gave up, knowing that he'd find out either way.
The bathroom walls, once marble white, were now stained red, and on the floor, lay Mumbo.

Grian kneeled beside him, not stopping the tears from flowing. He held his hand in his, and looked up to see Iskall hugging him, wide eyed.
Grian looked up at the walls, and immediately wished he hadn't.

The murderer had used his blood to write everything he needed to know.
I want to see you hurt.

This is what I get for loving him, Grian thought, sobbing and looking away from the bloodstained walls. I did this; it's all my fault.

People talked around him, but he couldn't hear them and he didn't care. Mumbo was dead. Iskall started yelling at X when he tried to pull Grian away from the scene, saying that he had no idea what happened to him.

Grian stayed there, sitting next to Mumbo, for what felt like hours. He blocked out everyone and everything, until Iskall managed to pull him away. Casting on last glance at his now-dead boyfriend, Grian went to his room and cried himself to sleep.


I rolled over in bed, already missing Mumbo's warmth. I sigh, getting up and heading downstairs for some food, ignoring Xisuma, who tried to comfort me. 

Iskall and Scar were already in the kitchen, and I feel tears coming again. Or myabe I never stopped crying.
Iskall gets up and grabs a plate of eggs for me, as I sit down next to Scar, leaning against him. The magic particles floating around him almost mesmerize me and definitely distract me. 

I sigh, as I eat, not wanting to give up. I promised that we'd survive, and I'm not going to die, I won't. But I just don't know what to do.
Maybe I'm not so hungry, I think, pushing away my plate, and resting my head on the table. Iskall sat down beside me, his eyes bloodshot. 

I promise you, Mumby, I won't give up. For you.

m o o d

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